# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| eBlocker does not (properly) update & License activation does not work anymore | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, after having some serious issue with my network stability I recognized that my eBlocker did not work properly anymore. Updates weren't done, and I observed then that it contained the very old "Family License" and did not apply my current DONOR-license. Trying to activate the DONOR-license again did not solve the issue. Still says "Family License", activated November 2021. Obviously, things like automatic list update also are not working anymore. Rebooting did also not change anything (anyway, I did not unplug the power supply yet). I do not know what c ... |
| Original eBlocker version (from inception 7 years ago) never activated | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | CBR | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Is the hardware version I have still operable? It is the original lifetime version. Due to certain events and life challenges, I never used my original eBlocker. --->Actually, it's still in the mailing package unopened. I have everything that was initially sent to me. I've been reading the eBlocker site & have downloaded the original manual. I realize it may have to go through many updates. Is it possible? Adding that it's simply for home use. I have an old Mac which I plan to replace but not yet. |
| Ads still showing even though HTTPS is enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jimmysofat6864 | Bugs & Issues |
| Just like in the main thread regarding YouTube Ads, I am still getting ads for YouTube even though I have eBlocker set as my DNS server and I have all ad blocking lists enabled. And all google services have been disabled in the trusted apps section. And I made sure that my device passes the function tests. Is there something else I am doing wrong here? I have some photos attached. I come from Pi-Hole and AdGuard Home so I am not used to this but I looked at the other threads and did what was recommended there and I still have ads. Any suggestions are appreci ... |
| Manual update "White cube" does not work | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | steffentaube | Bugs & Issues |
| As I had to discover, since version 2.8.2 the manual update no longer works. When checking for updates, it tells me that new files are available. If I start the update process, it looks like it is started, but after a very short time it shows that it is finished, but no update was really made. I noticed this when I tried to update to version 2.9. 26 files are displayed for me to update, but nothing changed after the update attempt. I therefore need your help. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 11.png Vielen Dank. |
| eBlocker not Working on my MacBook Air, Safari 15.1 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Cehpunkt-k7dgt2 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| After a break of using eBlocker i Updated to the latest Version of eBlocker an setup my iPhone and MacBook. Both devices are activated, https is setup and the dashboard and check says that all works correctly. The eBlocker Icon appears too on the sites. On my iPhone, it works as expected, but on my Mac not any banner gets blocked. It is not site specific, that means on all sites I still see banners where I cannot see them on my iPhone. I restarted my Mac, removed the certificate and added it again, disabled the blocker and enabled it again, double checke ... |
| No port forwarding with FritzBox 6591 FW OS7.29 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | frank.b | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi eBlocker Team I make my first setup with the RP4 2GB and eBlocker FW2.8. Most everything works great and the menus usability is perfect!! Right now only one issue:My eBlocker couldn't set via UPnP the port forwarding for remote/mobile access. I tried to set it manuell, but FritzBox shows eBlocker with the same IP of it self (both ?!) The eBlocker app shows for the eBlocker, what makes sense. If I select the eBlocker in the setup, the wrong IP is used in FritzBox port forwarding (picture) Attachment : IMG_2728.jpeg ... |
| eBlocker Mobile issues | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear community, since a couple of days, eBlocker Mobile stopped working. Only eBlocker reboot is fixing the issue, however I need to restart every day the eBlocker in the morning to get the eBlocker Mobile function working. I did not changed anything on my network or on my eBlocker Mobile settings prior getting that issue. Does anybody experience the same behavior? THX BonyCB |
| Selective add to the blocker list in PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, sometimes I see an entry in my PDFW I would like to block: e.g. a.b.c.d. In eBlocker I can only choose this and block. But what if I want to block b.c.d or c.d or d. Then I have to edit it later on again in the block list. It would be awesome to be able to block e.g. c.d. Without later editing of the block list. Honestly, to me, this is a prio 4 issue and without evidence or experience it appears to me this is not easy to implement in the current GUI. But I thought I still mention it. Maybe I am wrong. Regards and thanks for keeping eBlocker sti ... |
| Add export/import to PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, I use the PDFW extensively and with great pleasure. I would love to be able to export the list, in case something happens, and import it again. Thanks. |
| Quick access to Dashboard on Mac | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Whenever i start Safari, especially after a reboot, it takes more time than i'm willing to wait before the eBlocker GUI is shown. To circumvent this issue, i use a Menu Bar Browser shown below. The moment i click on the eBlocker logo in the Menu Bar, the GUI is available. For this i use the app MenuBarX ( available in Apple's App Store. Rob Attachment : shot.png |
| Problems with the download speed in the network | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I often have the following problem:My broadband measurement results in download speeds in the home network that are far too low. (Only 3% to 5% of the booked tarif reaches me: 1000Mbit/s booked, broadband measurement on PC or apple TV results in 30 MBit/s). All this time I have been looking for a fault in my home network (router, switch, patch field etc....). By chance I just saw that the public DNS server which was recommended by eblocker.org was rated as unreliable. After deleting the unreliable DNS server, I am currently measuring appro ... |
| eBlocker does only block trackers & Co. on the top level domain | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | kanaloa | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, eBlocker does only block trackers & co. on the top level domain. For example, if I navigate to www.macrumors.com eBlocker shows 4 blocked trackers. If I click on another link (here macOS Monterey) eBlocker does not show any blocked trackers. The same happen to www.spiegel.de. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.28.png Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.44.png |
| eBlocker assigns many ip address for one device | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Chinmayo | Bugs & Issues |
| see screenshot. Reinstalled Raspery eblocker os, DNS Server is Fritz!Box Router, eBlocker runs in Automatic Network Mode. Issue appears not with some MacBook in my office. Some Router. Any Ideas? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-09 um 22.19.37.png |
| Connection drops every 2-5 minutes | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | OnSerious | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, i gave eBlocker a try and love it. But i have a very strange behavior on my home network and don’t know how to sort it out. Quick Facts: - FritzBox 7590 (Mainbox) on 1&1 Versatel Line - FritzBox 7490 (used as Wifi Repeater connected over LAN) - FritzRepeater 1200 - OpenWRT Device (used as Wi-Fi Repeater connected over LAN) Hardware: Raspberry PI3 B connected over LAN directly to FritzBox 7590 running eBlocker 2.8.2 Problem: I am running eBlocker in expert mode with external DHCP (7590). FritzBox IPv6 disabled, and DHCP DNS Setting on 7590 s ... |
| Problems after Plugin Installation (Foscam) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I have the following problem and I can not classify who to contact with it: My eblocker is running fine so far. An eblocker certificate for https pages is installed.I can access all the websites I want to visit without any problems. I use a new Foscam camera and would like to access the cloud of Foscam. When I go to the site and log in, I get a message that to use the service a plugin must be installed (fscloud.pkg). But as soon as I install this plugin suddenly I am not able to visit any websites anymore, because I get a message that almost all ... |
| eBlocker Mobile stopped working | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear community, Today I experienced that the eBlocker Mobile function is not working anymore, which did on last Saturday, 27th of November 2021. I did not changed anything on the e-Blocker settings, neither on the Fritzbox 7590. VPN settings is via e-Blocker server. No external VPN setup installed. Did anybody else experienced similar behavior? THX BonyCB |
| setup VPN with Ivacy | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, Which configuration file do I need to download from my provider (Ivacy)? - Configuration files for router- VPN for Linux- ??? What specifically do I need to ask my VPN provider to get the correct configuration files? Thanks Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 20.43.20.pdf Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 20.43.29.pdf |
| eBlocker functionality | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear community, I've observed that the e-Blocker shows not at least the same tracker/add blocking behavior as in Safari 15.1 with disabled tracking option. Following screenshot as an example of the observed situation: 1. Safari information on website tracking indicated by Safari 15.1 and OSX Monterey 12.0.1: Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-04 um 08.10.38.png You can see in the left upper corner, that the e-blocker is active, however no information of blocked trackers as mentioned by Safari. 2. Safari settings for data security: Attachm ... |
| Pause eBlocker doesn't work | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear community, not sure if somebody of you experienced the same behavior of the e-Blocker, since I didn't found any post on that subject so far in the forum. Since a couple of weeks I experience that I can't pause the e-blocker on my devices using the eBlocker Dashboard or via the eBlocker bar. And this on all of my devices (iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro, Win devices). All devices are running the latest OS versions and default internet explorers in their latest version. The only way how to pause the e-Blocker is to go into the eBlocker settings and disable t ... |
| VPN perfect-privacy | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Bastet | Bugs & Issues |
| Good day,so far the VPN service from perfect-privacy worked perfectly in eBlocker.Despite re-recording the ovpn server profiles matching the eBlocker (from the download page of the VPN provider), this is no longer the case. TOR however works.The VPN manager available from the VPN provider works correctly under my current Win10.What could be the cause?Could it be that the eBlocker updates are the cause for this? Thanks for any hints.Bastet |
| Netgear router Memory Overload issue | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | Bugs & Issues |
| My netgear router reports vulnerabilities with eBlocker. Has anyone experienced this? Attachment : IMG_8042.jpeg |
| Update to 2.5 not possible on M2 board | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Rudi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, read a lot here but still a problem : I'v got an original eBlocker from a friend with a PI Banana M2 board . S/N : 03050702 He asked me to update his eBlocker . I tried hard , but failed. The installed 2.015 never starts correctly in latest versions of Firefox and Opera. No eBlocker symbol in upper left corner in the browsers ? ? With a trick I can run eBlocker with directly call : removed link !/de, but eBlocker doesn't work as it should ? ? ? ? Then I tried : eBlockerOS für Raspberry Pi 2 und Pi 4 (726 MB Download by installing on t ... |