# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| Thunderbird setiings | Relevance | 4 Wochen ago | Julius | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, following the help page for setting up Thunderbird and eBlocker using https I like to add the following: I had to add the eBlocker-Cetrificate as “Authorities” trusting BOTH, for "identify websites" and "identify email users". Only with the second check-mark i won't get errors messages concerning Thunderbird calendar and syncing this Caldav. |
| Linux version of Vivaldi and eBlocker | Relevance | 4 Wochen ago | Julius | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, to setup Vivaldi-browser on linux with eBlocker and https-support have a look at translated: If you need client certificates under Linux and in Vivaldi, you will unfortunately find no way to add one in Vivaldi's settings. But as a workaround there is an internal Chromium page to do this. Openchrome://settings/certificates Choose My certificates Press the import-Button Select the PFX/P12 file (comment: the crt of eBlocker works as well) When prompted, enter the password of the client certificate Ready The certificate is now listed under My certif ... |
| Linux setup | Relevance | 4 Wochen ago | Julius | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, while setting up my new eBlocker i stumbled about some issues and I suggest to add the following information on the help pages: While the setup for a browser is described the help is missing adding the certificate for the OS itself. Without registering the own eBlocker-certificate you'll maybe end in a system which won't do updates anymore as it won't reach it servers.The solution for Debian, Fedora and Arch is described here -> I confirm it for archlinux. |
| Rasberry network connection not available | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | CKBuch | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I can no longer find the Rasberry in the network via the router. I have installed the software on the SD card again, but without success. How can I find out whether the Rasberry - Model 4 - B - is defective? Thank you and best regards |
| Wrong System Time | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | meitnerium | Bugs & Issues |
| Good morning, I just setup my eBlocker and the system time is 2021-12-02 and I cannot change it. Any advise? I resetted already several times and reinstalled but no change. Kind regards, Daniel |
| YouTube Ad Blocker Message | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | etuckeriv | Bugs & Issues |
| This morning on YouTube I began getting this pop-up when I watch a video: Attachment : image.png It seems to be related to the uBlock filters, after I disable that in the blocker the popup goes away. I found this article from earlier this year about adding a filter to your uBlock list, but I couldn't find a way to do it in the blocker. Any ideas? |
| Docker and Plugin Support | Relevance | 3 Monaten ago | Foxy | Features & Priorities |
| I would like to see Docker and/or Plugin Support for eBlocker, to add additional features like a file manager or more blocklists via Plugin manager |
| We give you a plug and Play ITEM | Relevance | 4 Monaten ago | Chapeau3D | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello everyone, we are a small 3D printer company and community would offer you a ready-made Raspberry Pi 4 including a stylish housing to support eBlocker. We are also able to support you by telephone or remote maintenance. If anyone is interested, please contact us. In any case, we assume that the interested party has a subscription for automatic updates with eB. We are happy to give you back your privacy. We are also happy to offer server installations and virtual machines for better performance for companies. We will accompany you if you have any questi ... |
| Issue using Tibber (app on iOS) | Relevance | 4 Monaten ago | KaiF | Bugs & Issues |
| Interesting/weird behaviour when using Tibber app on iOS: Current power consumption is updated on a per second basis, it eBlocker is not activated for iPhone. Once I activate eBlocker for said, iPhone, the power consumption value is no longer updated. This does NOT change when I PAUSE eBlocker for said iPhone. HOWEVER power consumption value immediately refreshes and updates once I deactivate eBlocker for the iPhone. Question: what is the difference between PAUSE and DEACTIVATE ? and should there be any different behaviour (I would expect no differe ... |
| eBlocker issues with Google News and Discover | Relevance | 8 Monaten ago | Josch | Bugs & Issues |
| I have quite big problems with eBlocker and temporary complete connection problems to Google News (Android app) and Google Discover (also Android, the Chrome page you get when you open a new tab). During the day it is almost the rule, rather than the exception, that no content is delivered or errors occur. If I switch to mobile (5G) and bypass my WLAN, it works immediately. If I switch off eBlocker for the device, it also works. If I have bypassed eBlocker for a short time, I refresh the Chrome Discover page and then switch back to WLAN, then the refreshes ... |
| Certificate based authentication | Relevance | 9 Monaten ago | DeepUnder | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi i have an issue where if I want to access my work emails on my phone that’s uses certificate based authentication it won’t work if I have HTTPS enabled. is there any way to have my Apple device pass through its certificate and it gets validated by the server? |
| SDcard for Raspberry mandatory? | Relevance | 9 Monaten ago | 3Dscrewer | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, short question, is it possible to use an USB Stick for the Image on a Raspberry instead the SDcard? All instructions are saying SDcard, but I like to use a stick. TIA |
| Some feature request | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | DeepUnder | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, Ive been using Eblocker for a few weeks now and it’s been a great project, well done team. Could I request some additions, - disable the Eblocker has detected a tracking site. The reason for this is that some IOS games load a tracking URL and the game quits and loads up safari with the notification. Presently the only way to avoid this is to allow the tracking site. - add the ability to enable / disable the controller bar for multiple clients. - Apple TV support i have found the ability to install the HTTPS root certificate on the Apple tv ... |
| Bitdefender Warning | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | TomTom | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello eBlocker user This warning always appears when I visit eblocker.org GreetingsThomas Attachment : warning.jpg |
| eblocker with fritzbox error dns | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | alterKelte | Bugs & Issues |
| hi,the name resolution of the eblocker, which is operated in automatic network mode on a fritzbox 7590, no longer works correctly since the domain fritz.box ( was registered. a ping to a local server returns when the eblocker is activated, and the correct when the eblocker is deactivated. how can i achieve the correct resolution again with eblocker activated? ciao markus |
| eBlocker working for years, but after updating, no longer https blocking | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | torsten.b | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear community, Since the update at the end of January 24 I have had the following problem: Normally the Eblocker was accessible in my network at x.x.x.116. The FritzBox is located at x.x.x.1. After the update, the FritzBox could no longer be reached because the eBlocker was now suddenly running on .1. At the same time, adverts were no longer blocked, regardless of the device. I first carried out a reset and then set the IP address of the eBlocker back to .116. No success. Then I created a completely new security certificate and installed it on all devices ... |
| Dashboard is suddenly without information | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | wex | Bugs & Issues |
| I don't know how it happened, but for a while I could see some information for my devices in the dashboard. Some boxes were visible. Now for two weeks I see nothing. Can someone give me a tip on what to do about this ? |
| Youtube app don't loading with HTTPS on Android | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | thezilione | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi.. I'm not able to open videos on Youtube with SSL from old Android Device (Android 8). IOS and Apple TV works all! If i'm disable HTTPS, all works but, with AD. All browser are works, but app no. HTTPS/certificate activated and installed. Wi-fi, APPS and VPN. Auto Trust off -> not worksAuto Trust on -> works, but with ADS and so much URL from google allowed. Attachment : android1.png Attachment : android2.jpg Attachment : android2.png I'm trying everything but nothing works. :/ any suggestion? thanks ... |
| youtube showing ads and problems | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | thezilione | Bugs & Issues |
| My Android phone don't loading Youtube app with eBlocker. My iOS works fine. and.. in my PC W11, ads is showing on home page. all is okay and configured properly. I use eBlocker with my dhcpc server. I tryhing to add in Whitelist the address, but not works. any suggestion? thanks Attachment : rules.png Attachment : eblocker6.jpg Attachment : eblocker2.png Attachment : print.png Attachment : Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-04-08 à(s) 01.59.30_e6cc2026.jpg |
| eBlocker on a thin client PC with 2.5Gbit Ethernet LAN Port | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | Proton | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello All, I have a Gigabit / 1,000 Mbit/s internet connection (which also arrives at 1100/55Mbit brutto). In order to get around the hardware LAN limit of the RP4 of 1000Mbit/s, I would like to run the eblocker "on a boot PC directly without OS" on a ThinClient PC with a 2.5Gbit LAN connection.To extend the download rate via the eblocker. Can you please tell me whether this increases the maximum download speed of the eblocker (at the moment I have a download speed of around 450Mbit, when the eblocker/RP4 works as a gateway.Is there any hardware that has ... |
| Local network resources not reachable via eBlocker mobile | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | cerise | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I am looking for help/hints as to solving the following issue: Since some time last week (coinciding with 3.1 update?) I cannot reach local network resources any more while using eBlocker mobile. This worked flawlessly before. The error message of the web browser is: err_connection_refused A ping to local network resources (e. g. yields destination port unreachable Apart from accessing local network devices eBlocker mobile works. Whereas when using Android’s builtin VPN functionality web browser connection and ping work as expe ... |
| Post & DHL Android App - German Version | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Good morning,who else uses the DHL app besides me? Can someone please tell me which exceptions are (additionally) required so that I can use "Packstations" (sorry, does not know an other english word for it) without having to disconnect the (eBlocker Mobile) VPN connection. Actual exceptions (does not work for Packstation): dhl.com dhl.de geo.cardinalcommerce.com paket.de payments.braintree-api.com Thanks a lot for your help |
| New devices InProComm... | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | Micha | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, devices named 'InPro Comm (1)' keep appearing in my device list, even though I haven't added any new devices.If I delete them, they come back after a few days.Does anyone know what that might be? Best regards Micha Attachment : Geräte.jpg |
| Devices no longer accessible under Windows/Network/Computer (Windows10) | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | User-JS | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| No issues with the eBlocker in the browser. Internet access working well. The test via Dasboard was successful. In the last few days, the problem has arisen that no devices listed under Network/Computer can be reached under the name given there. The list of computers is complete, but not usable. Only access via the associated IP is still possible. When the eBlocker is deactivated and the PC is restarted, everything works normally again (switching to Pause is not sufficient). Obviously all Windows PCs in the network are affected. Apart from what happens at ... |
| evcc Service on eBlocker-Raspberry Pi - any issues? | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | mr.bien | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello everyone, may be a stupid question - but I am not that experienced with Raspberry-Pi and its capabilities. I have eBlocker running on Raspberry-Pi. Runs perfectly. For my home, we are about installing photovoltaics and want to take advantage of surplus loading together with an electric vehicle. For that purpose, another Raspberry-Pi application "evcc" is recommended in order to control the power flow of the photovoltaics system. I wonder if I should or could reuse the existing Raspberry-Pi hardware serving eBlocker today also for that addtional ev ... |
| Eblocker and ChatGPT | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | Micha | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I want to use Chatgpt. If the eblocker is active, this doesn't work. I tested it in different browsers. Only when I pause the Eblocker can I work with Chatgpt. I have already added 'chatgpt.com' to the trusted websites but it doesn't work. No https connection errors are recorded either. Can someone help me? Greeting Micha |
| Deactivate VPN automatically | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | thomas@beier-team.de | Features & Priorities |
| Hello dear eblocker team Is there a way to integrate a function in the eblocker os that automatically disconnects the anonymization function if the VPN provider fails? Possibly also with a notification function. (email?) The background is that my wife and my children are also in the WLAN / LAN in my home network. If the VPN provider has a problem and I am not at home, the other family members can no longer access the Internet due to a lack of eblocker knowledge. GreetingsThomas |
| Delete - All events older than one week - does not work | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello,can anyone confirm that deleting events older than one week does not work: Attachment : eBlocker 12.jpg In my case, only the second option "Delete all" works. |
| Samsung A54 an FritzBox 7590 mit eBlocker 3.0.2 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Neuling | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello everyone,Many of you will be reading and writing here. I have now tried eBlocker for the first time.The constellation is a FritzBox 7590 to which a RaspberryPI4 is connected via LAN. 32GB MicroSD with eBlocker 3.0.2. In the FB, the DNS server is set to the Raspberry.That went quite well. But then this morning I noticed a problem:My WLAN radio is running, as is the laptop with WLAN. Only my cell phone, a Samsung A54, doesn't really like it.The WLAN connection "pulsates", constantly disconnecting and reconnecting. And that every second.Access to the Frit ... |
| RE: Backup broken under 3.0.1 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Mike Weilenmann | Bugs & Issues |
| Backup function dosn't work anymore since 3.01 |
| RE: Backup broken under 3.0.1 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | thomas@beier-team.de | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello dear community Where is a backup saved to in > System > "Save settings"? When I click on the button, a "spinning top" appears briefly and then nothing happens. If I then click on "Restore settings", an Explorer window opens with the path "C:\Users\thomas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\PLNGMSW8" but without a backup file. The search does not find an *.eblcfg file in the entire C: drive. Thank you |
| eBlocker Mobile for my Friends? | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Foxy | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i've installed eblocker on my raspberry pi 4 yesterday. I like the software very much, but im question myself right now... Is it possible to create eblocker mobile connections for my friends without them to once join my local network? If yes, how do i do it and can i create custom ones for everyone, like family and friends? |
| Home assistant integration | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Lucbo82 | Features & Priorities |
| Is it possiable to create a home assistant integration for eblocker? So we can controle it in home assistant. |
| Certificate renewal on iPad failed | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear all, after three years of happily using eBlocker I had to renew my https certificate. Easy peasy to do in eBlocker. Renewed it, downloaded it to my iPad, went through the installation process. Going into the dashboard I get an error message with the red !, that there is no certificate. In my settings I see the new Attachment : IMG_1875.jpeg Attachment : IMG_1877.jpeg Attachment : IMG_1876.png eBlocker certificate added. I have redone the process, but must have made a mistake somewhere. Maybe it helps to know that the ... |
| Telegram app on MacOS don't work with HTTPS enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | dxisto | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I'm new to this forum and also to eBlocker. I installed eBlocker in a Raspberry Pi 4 and everything look ok. But when I enabled HTTPS my Telegram APP stuck at CONNECTING... and don't work. I already imported the SSL Certificate using keychain and also checked TELEGRAM at Trusted APPs. Nothing suspicious is showing at COMMUNICATION FAILURES. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. |
| YouTube Ads get blocked with eBlocker | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | none | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I just wanted to give a big Thank You 👏 to the eBlocker team. YouTube remains ad-free on my iOS Safari and Windows Firefox. 😁 All other ad-blockers I've tried failed recently 👎 Probably because Google is cracking down on ad-blockers. Good job, eBlocker👍👍 |
| VPN connection breaks repeatedly | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| I have an issue with repeatedly breaking VPN connections. Only rebooting eBlocker solves the issue temporarily. I am using NordVPN and activate it per device. This works until a certain point in time. Then, the internet connection drops until I disable VPN for the device. Trying to enable it again throws an error as shown in the attached screenshot. Attachment : IMG_0654.jpeg Rebooting eBlocker solves the issue temporarily, meaning that everything works smoothly again also with VPN enabled. No idea which event breaks the connection. It is just ... |
| Trouble Setting up NORD VPN | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I just purchased NordVPN. It also works with the provided NordVPN app, but I am failing to set it up using eBlocker. There seems to be authentication failures, which I cannot explain. As recommended on your website, I was choosing one of those UDP-Files as part of the zip-file of our web-site. I added my credentials to the wizard and everything seems to be set up properly. "Test Connection" says Unable to authenticate. This may have different causes, such as your VPN user name or password is incorrect your VPN account is expired or invalid the ... |
| tracking protection in Firefox for Desktop | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, which of the 3 possible options offered by Firefox does the eBlocker team recommend? - Standard - Strict - Custom I would like to avoid or reduce double blocking if possible. Best regards |
| Cloudflare | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, can anyone help me why I always end up on this page first when I go to the address is it because of the eBlocker? Attachment : cloudflare.jpg If I set the hook (2x), then I finally get to the desired page - but annoying it is. No idea what Cloudflare is and what it is good for. Thanks 😀 |
| HTTPS filtering not working | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | LieberGott | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all, need your support. Topic is possible to find but solutions not helpful in my case. Since yesterday (?) seems https filtering is not working anymore, when I am running the function test I got a warning message for "Web filtering (HTTPS)", independently if I run it with the eBlocker app or in a browser window. Also the cookie banners are back unfortunately :/ Today on my Mac eBlocker asked for a certificate, also the current one was valid until next year (seems deactivate it?). I downloaded a new certificate, and installed and activated it. eBlock ... |
| Unable to load license agreement. An internet connection is required. | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | adhater | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello everyone, for me it's not possible to agree to the license agreement. IP settings are correct. It doesn't matter, if DHCP or static IP is selected. I can see on the fw log, that eblocker does some DNS queries, Pings and HTTPs queries and everything is accepted (nothing blocked). I just installed the latest version. Who can help? |
| EBlocker deactivates itself for a device suddenly | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all, great to see eblocker is evolving with IPv6 and the VM you created. Keep up the great work. Setup: eblocker is connected to a fritz!box and set up in individual mode. Settings confirmed within the browser (Firefox) and the wonderful eblocker App on my iPad. Websites tested: CNN.com, Spiegel.de, untertauchen.info, eblocker.org Issue: Since Wednesday approx noon, eblocker deactivates itself for my iPad connection and does not show any entry for domains. I had it always activated but suddenly noticed that some ads etc. coming through. I checked t ... |
| Android 11 and Firefox: This is how it works for me | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | tdq | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I had the problem that I could not install the certificate on my Firefox on Android 11. After a long search, I found this solution that works for me and might also interest you. My environment is in German, so I describe everything in German. If someone knows the exact terms in English OS, please add. download the certificate from the mobile phone on the E-Blocker Dashboard. add the certificate in Android "Einstellungen" -> "Sicherheit" -> "Verschlüsselung und Anmeldedaten" -> "Ein Zertifikat installieren" -> "CA Zertifikat". Now select the ce ... |
| you.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why does eBlocker by default block the new search engine you.com,, created by the Dresden originated scientist Richard Socher? |
| Raspberry Pi 4 setup before flashing eBlocker software | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Chris4711 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Really simple question and I do not find any answer. Neither Google, You.com nor this forum…😓 Do I need to flash any kind of Raspberry OS from the official Raspberry Homepage before flashing the eBlocker Software onto the microSD Card? Highly appreciated, brief reply - thank you very much. Chris |
| New license key | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | TomTom | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| hello random, I had to reinstall my SD card, please re-enable automatic updates. Thank you |
| Copy micro SD card? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello dear forum community.My question, is it possible to copy the micro SD card with the e-blocker OS installed and set up (as a backup in case of a defect) ? |
| Can't access EBlocker after update to 2.10 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Rudi | Bugs & Issues |
| Till now I used 2.9 I startet the update to receive 2.10 and there were 81 updates. After about 45 minutes now I can't access the eblocker anymore. That' the first time that I've got this error. 2 hours later I powered off and restart the Rapspery and hoped that will fix the problem. But same fault ? ? |
| Serious Problems Obviously After Update on 2.10.x | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today my eBlocker does not work and, more worsen, obviously did something so that I can not reach the internet even when I unplug the eBlocker from my Fritzbox. I assume, eBlocker performed tonight the update to version 2.10. As well I can not contact my eBlocker via ssh on its IPv4 address in my WLAN: Connection refused at port 22. I am really at the end of my cababilities. I do not really know, where to begin and which steps to go. If I klick on an URI I get the following message in the browser: Error Sorry, an error has occurred. Details: ER ... |
| howto place script for cronjobs // howto add a simple cronjob? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Linux_User | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear support. Plan is simple. And here it is: sudo nano removed link #!/bin/bash sudo shutdown -h now sudo chmod +x removed link sudo crontab -e 7 06 * * 1-5 removed link 7 22 * * 1-5 removed link 7 23 * * 6-7 removed link And here comes why, i want to save money about energy comsumtion. the most of the Day im not at home. power on is realized by a time energy clock. i didnt know the english word. timerclock for power. it turns the router and eBlocker on and off. but ones the pi (my hardware for eBlocker) is started i must shutd ... |
| Ads are gone everywhere. YouTube ad free. Awesome! | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | none | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I‘m new to eBlocker and just wanted to share my happiness. 🥳 I don‘t care much about the privacy thing. 😐 But the ad blocking feature is simply awesome and best if‘ve seen.🛑😁 Ads are even gone in my iPad apps. Magic, how this works without extra software. 😁😁😁 Streaming videos from YouTube completely ad free to the smart TV rocks 😎 FCK annoying commercials. 🤮 Honestly, this is the best tech ever👍🙏 Thanks so much! Keep up the good work 🚀 |
| codeberg.org blocked as Malware | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | gerhardb | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, Codeberg.org was blocked as Malware some days ago and is still blocked. They are aware of the malware issue ( removed link ) but it is not helpfull to block the whole domain of an git instance. How can they be removed from the malware list? Using no https support yet Is there a way for me to whitelist them? The "allow domains" list doesn't work (but I can`t find in the docu in which format the domains need to be entered) Thanks Gerhard |
| Problems with Android 13 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Mattes57 | Bugs & Issues |
| Last week, my tablet Samsung Galaxy S7 upgraded to Android 13. Since then, I'm flooded with Ads(e.g ingame Ads). Before, there were much less.What can I do? |
| YouTube ad-blocker works for netzkino too | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | subscriber | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I‘m a big fan of the YouTube ad-blocker for my iPad. Well done 👍 Today I found out it also works great with netzkino.de. The only trick is to pause eBlocker initially and deny the cookie banner once. Then unpause - and welcome to ad free videos. Thank you for this awesome technology! 😎 |
| Zoner Photo Studio makes problems when starting with eBlocker running. | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Winfried | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello! I have been using Zoner Photo Studio (ZPS) as a graphics program for a long time. Since several months I have this problem: When I start ZPS it claims that some certificate is not valid - if I want to proceed anyway. When I klick "Yes", the error occurs again (and again ...). When I click "No", it repeats the same for 4 times, and then the program starts. I tried to solve it with the ZPS team, but they could not find out what goes wrong. Then I discovered that, when I pause eBlocker and then start ZPS, it starts all fine without error, and this remai ... |
| Support USB for USB-A/Ethernet adapter | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NoUserName | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| According to specification, by default USB-ports are not supported. I need to connect an device via physical LAN. Is there any know configuration how to integrate an USB-A – Ethernet adapter to an Raspberry Pi 4? |
| VPN connection fails | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have 2 identical Raspberry Pi 4 with e-blocker in operation (company and private).With both devices I have problems with the VPN connection from the beginning. In irregular intervals, sometimes after 5 days, sometimes after 10 days, sometimes after 3 days, the VPN connection is disconnected. (the VPN connection icon in the overview is then grayed out).I have tested the following VPN operators: Mullvad VPN (mullvad.net) and OVPN (ovpn.com).In the case of Mullvad VPN, no website is accessible when the connection fails, in the case of OVPN, the VPN connection ... |
| Invalid URL for Downloads from Google Photos | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | linexx | Bugs & Issues |
| Hallo. I've a problem with downloads from google photos. It doesn't work with https. Encountered error: Invalid URL Adding googleusercontent.com to allowed domains makes no difference. Download works, when eBlocker is paused. Could somebody help me? Thank you! Attachment : Screenshot_20220710_075237.png |
| eblocker keeps switching to inactive. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Harryzwo | Bugs & Issues |
| eblocker keeps switching to inactive. If I activate eblocker and refresh the browser, eblocker is inactive again. I'm doing this with the Brave browser. There is no problem with this on my other devices. Which file format must a file upload have. I wanted to upload the diagnostic report. |
| trustworthy app for wattpad on Android? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous 1477 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I'm having trouble with the wattpad app. I have saved all accruing subdomains (https connection errors) in my own trustworthy app (eBlocker) and still the start page doesn't run 100% and the search doesn't work at all, not in the wattpad app. If the search would work, then the start page will certainly show everything. Which settings in eBlocker still have to be made? The accruing subdomain can already be a tracker. |
| Docker IP Problem | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous 1477 | Bugs & Issues |
| I installed Project eBlocker over the weekend and had some problems accessing everywhere,like with my PiHole system which is lying in the corner at the moment.A large part of the difficulties I got under control.FritzBos - DHCP OFF, eBlocker switched to indivituelle DNS settings.My problem is now on a NAS with e.g. I get no access,the I get access. What settings must be made in eBlcker to make it work? |
| Domain Blocker (Ads) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Rudowin1962 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I'm using the eBlocker with a Rasperry Phi4 and it works pretty good. However, if I use the "Function Test" all is green with a check mark except this one. Th note says: "your devices uses a cached DNS response. Please start the test again." So far the message. What do I miss or what do I have to change in my settings? Attachment : Screen Shot 2022-06-05 at 10.34.28 AM.png |
| Update OS 2.5 to 2.9 fails | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | sikookis | Bugs & Issues |
| I own 2 eBlockers (Rasperi 4B 2GB + Sandisk Ultra 64GB MicroSDXC). One of them in daily use (OS 2.9) - one as a spare in the drawer (OS 2.5). Updating the operating system from 2.5 to 2.9 via "License & Update" fails.How can I update to OS 2.9? Look at: |
| eblocker interrupts media-playback | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Joern | Bugs & Issues |
| The eblocker recently causes the playback (at least) from the ("öffentlich-rechtlichen", I don't watch others) media libraries to stop after a few minutes in such a way that it jumps to the end of the selected program, where another program/episode or similar is suggested. It's definitely due to eblocker (and regardless of whether https support is enabled or not). For the two Panasonic smartTVs on which the error has occurred with me so far, eblocker lists the manufacturer Wistron Neweb Corporation. On my third (newer, manufacturer Panasonic Appliances Com ... |
| YaCy and eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Does somebody here already made experiences with using a YaCy installation on a device behind an eBlocker? |
| eBlocker not Working on my MacBook Air, Safari 15.1 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Cehpunkt-k7dgt2 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| After a break of using eBlocker i Updated to the latest Version of eBlocker an setup my iPhone and MacBook. Both devices are activated, https is setup and the dashboard and check says that all works correctly. The eBlocker Icon appears too on the sites. On my iPhone, it works as expected, but on my Mac not any banner gets blocked. It is not site specific, that means on all sites I still see banners where I cannot see them on my iPhone. I restarted my Mac, removed the certificate and added it again, disabled the blocker and enabled it again, double checke ... |
| No port forwarding with FritzBox 6591 FW OS7.29 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | frank.b | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi eBlocker Team I make my first setup with the RP4 2GB and eBlocker FW2.8. Most everything works great and the menus usability is perfect!! Right now only one issue:My eBlocker couldn't set via UPnP the port forwarding for remote/mobile access. I tried to set it manuell, but FritzBox shows eBlocker with the same IP of it self (both ?!) The eBlocker app shows for the eBlocker, what makes sense. If I select the eBlocker in the setup, the wrong IP is used in FritzBox port forwarding (picture) Attachment : IMG_2728.jpeg ... |
| OneNote for Windows 10 synchronisation issue | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | twaniek | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, if eBlocker is activated, OneNote for Windows 10 stopps synchronization. Has anyone a solution for this issue? |
| RE: New license key | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Ralf Knabe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi there, I had to reinstall my SD-Card and wanted to reinstall my donor license (donation 14.11.2021), unfortunately I do not have my mail with the donor license anymore. What should I do to get to my license number? Please excuse my bad English. Many greetings Ralf |
| eBlocker Mobile issues | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear community, since a couple of days, eBlocker Mobile stopped working. Only eBlocker reboot is fixing the issue, however I need to restart every day the eBlocker in the morning to get the eBlocker Mobile function working. I did not changed anything on my network or on my eBlocker Mobile settings prior getting that issue. Does anybody experience the same behavior? THX BonyCB |
| RE: iPhone does not establish eBlocker mobile connection | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Simon | Bugs & Issues |
| Since yesterday there are problems with eBlocker Mobile on my eBlocker. I can‘t connect with eBlocker with all my devices. Without eBlocker mobile in the Home Network everything is all fine. I‘ve made no changes on the setting. the OVPN App Protocol on iphone says this: 2022-03-25 15:48:48 1 2022-03-25 15:48:48 ----- OpenVPN Start -----OpenVPN core 3.git::58b92569 ios arm64 64-bit 2022-03-25 15:48:48 OpenVPN core 3.git::58b92569 ios arm64 64-bit 2022-03-25 15:48:48 Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250 2022-03-25 15:48:48 UNUSED OPTIONS4 [resolv-retry] [ ... |
| New license key | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have reset my e-blocker (with new sd card) and need a new activation of the automatic update. How can I request this? |
| Gaming - World of Tanks by Wargaming | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | MSS | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello. Unfortunately, Eblocker partially blocks in-game access to game areas "Replenishment" (web-based access) or events at the moment the trading caravan. How can I get the game and its views on the whitelist? Thank you very much! |
| Problem with Fritz!Box 7530ax | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | zieht_hurras | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi together, a run first a 7850, everything was perfect. Now I own a neu router 7530ax with a lan-bridge e3000. I run a fresh install of eblocker an my raspy. Now the problem is, that the ip of the eblocker is changing from x.x.x.38 sometimes to x.x.x.1 and back. I tried to setup the connection as expert. Blocker to x.x.x.38 and DHCP extern. Portforwarding does not work out of the box but wenn I do it then manually. But the the https doesn't work correct, Dashboard, VPN, etc. Is there a way to get eblocker running? Now when I run a clean new install the ... |
| externel storage as ssd | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | foresthus | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, is there a possiblity to place the filesystem onto an externel SSD-Drive. This would be very helpful, because sd-cards are getting slower an slower after a time period. With dietpi there is such a helpful movement. All disk accesses would be than on the SSD and not on the slow SD-card. There i one more adventage. On the SSD a swap can be used und configured. |
| Password before access to private network through eblocker ovpn profile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | droopy928gt | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear All, Not sure if this is something from eblocker, or something in ovpn. I mainly use eblocker for it's wonderfully easy option to access my private network through ovpn, and if needed use my commercial vpn subscription to go from my private network outside again through it, so passthrough. This works well, at least for me. The concern is, the ovpn profile created via eblocker, when using it with the ovpn client, it works immediately. There's no request for a password or something. My worry is that if someone else gets hold of that file through my stup ... |
| Selective add to the blocker list in PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, sometimes I see an entry in my PDFW I would like to block: e.g. a.b.c.d. In eBlocker I can only choose this and block. But what if I want to block b.c.d or c.d or d. Then I have to edit it later on again in the block list. It would be awesome to be able to block e.g. c.d. Without later editing of the block list. Honestly, to me, this is a prio 4 issue and without evidence or experience it appears to me this is not easy to implement in the current GUI. But I thought I still mention it. Maybe I am wrong. Regards and thanks for keeping eBlocker sti ... |
| Add export/import to PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, I use the PDFW extensively and with great pleasure. I would love to be able to export the list, in case something happens, and import it again. Thanks. |
| No access to home devices via VPN | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Corner | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I have successfully installed eblocker with a Raps 4 and everything is running great.I have a FritzBox 7590, the DHCP server is disabled and this is done by the eBlocker.IPv6 is disabled in the FritzBox because the eBlocker does not support this yet. Now my question:I have installed VPN via the eBlocker and installed OpenVPN on the iPhone.This works so far.If I am connected via VPN to my home network, I should have access to my home device as if I am in the W-Lan network.Unfortunately all apps on the Iphone do not find my home devices. I have no acc ... |
| In PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all a quick one. I saw in my personal device firewall. Not app-measurement.com or any other domain name. What does this mean? It looks so different from all other entries. Can I block it the same way? |
| Eblocker between two routers | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| If you believe this is wrongly placed here, please let me know if there are other forums or links with info. Issue: eBlocker does not recognise traffic from second FritzBox. Question: How do I configure the Fritz4060 so the traffic is sent through eBlocker, as with the TPLink. Current setup which works:Internet-FritzBoxISP-eblocker -Tplink WLAN Router TPLink Router and eblocker are both connected via LAN to the FritzBox. TP Link is not in a mesh or so setup. It uses a different subnet. EBlocker recognises it. I can configure eblo ... |
| DNS over https/… over TLS | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | Features & Priorities |
| I would like to see the possibility to use DNS over https or TLS. |
| Rotating VPN Profiles | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | Features & Priorities |
| I would like to see a possibility, if this is at all possible to do, to rotate my VPN profiles. E.g.: I import 10 profiles, 3 in Germany, 4 in CH, and 3 of another VPN provider. I would like to be able to day: Rotate between the profiles a) randomly b) within a region, e.g. Germany or EU 3. Between VPN providers 😱 4. Between a group of selected profiles. |
| SSL in GrapheneOS | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi all. I minor question 😍 I use GrapheneOS as my preferred mobile OS. I installed the SSL Certificate of eblocker in GrapheneOS. But to me it appears that the apps dont catch it. I installed it in Fennec and then I can surf normally. But some apps use https and hence would need o recognise the certificate,m e.g. bromite, but it seems they dont. The grapheneOS chaps answered: Don’t interrupt SSL connections 🙁 Anyone here have any idea? I am aware that this is not necessarily an eblocker issue but a GrapheneOSOS or android one, but I thought maybe s ... |
| Own SSL Certificate | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | lil-ac | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I'm new in this forum. The point is that the SSL certificate is only valid for 4 months, can i add my own purchased certificate? Thanks. |
| Eblocker on faster HW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| EBlocker is now running on Linux, if I recall correctly. I would like to see eBlocker on faster hardware, such as teklager or Protectli. This would also solve the VPN performance issues on Raspi. Not an issue by eblocker software, a natural limitation by raspi processor. |
| Manually blocked domain is not blocked | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Attachment : D51AFA6F-813D-482F-A057-8FF9BD30A1BF.jpeg Dear all, first of all: Thanks for adding the beta (I am aware of this) feature to show the domains blocked and the personal device firewall. Awesome. I think I found a bug, but not sure. I saw access to graph.facebook.com I checked and applied: Always block. The entry graph.facebook.com appears in the Blocked Domains list as graph.facebook.com Now I checked again, and there was an entry to graph.facebook.com with a green check mark and not a red circle. Please see attached picture. Wha ... |
| eBlocker does only block trackers & Co. on the top level domain | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | kanaloa | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, eBlocker does only block trackers & co. on the top level domain. For example, if I navigate to www.macrumors.com eBlocker shows 4 blocked trackers. If I click on another link (here macOS Monterey) eBlocker does not show any blocked trackers. The same happen to www.spiegel.de. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.28.png Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.44.png |
| eBlocker assigns many ip address for one device | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Chinmayo | Bugs & Issues |
| see screenshot. Reinstalled Raspery eblocker os, DNS Server is Fritz!Box Router, eBlocker runs in Automatic Network Mode. Issue appears not with some MacBook in my office. Some Router. Any Ideas? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-09 um 22.19.37.png |
| Locked out | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | sikookis | Bugs & Issues |
| After switching to a fiber optic connection provider, the error message appears: "Your access to this site has been temporarily restricted by the site owner" and: "Your current IP address is on the black list." Why? The IPv4 address was assigned by the provider and is permanent. |
| Dashboard frozen under Win 11 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello and good day, first the info about the systemEblocker OS 2.8.2 Raspberry 4I Model B (8 GB memory)The Eblocker acts as a DHCP serverThe doctor in EB did not indicate any relevant problems. My computerLaptop Windows 11 Pro with the latest updates. I do not even know where to start. I have accessed the dashboard and this also appears in the browser (tested with Chrome. Edge, Firefox, Opera) but then the page stops responding; every now and then the message Eblocker not available appears (see screenshot). Attachment : Screenshot of eBlocker Da ... |
| Configuring a Remote Gadget for Usigen eBlocker mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I want to configure a remote Mac for using my eBlocker mobile. But this Mac can not be brought into my WLAN. What do I have to bring personally from my WLAN to this Mac in order to configure it for using my eBlocker mobile VPN? Sketch: My Mac (((WLAN))) (Fritzbox/eBlocker) < - Internet/eBlocker mobile - > remote Mac |
| Trying to figure out why some apps/websites won't work. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, this is my first post here but i have been using Eblocker for a while now how but i can't figure out a small issue i'm having : My network is as follows : Modem (bridge mode)->Ubiquiti router->Switch->Eblocker. Router : (Eblocker IP put in here as DNS1, DNS2 has a bogus IP : : Eblocker is set as DNS in the router and it works, however i got some issues and just let me pick one the kids keep nagging about. There's a game called 'AFK Arena'. This game works when HTTPS ... |
| Status bar does not show blocked content | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | pitje | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello all, I have the problem that eBlocker does not show blocked content. When I'm on Youtube the bar shows "0 ads" and "0 trackers", which can not be :-/. Attachment : youtube_statusbar.PNG After a current call, no entry appears in the history either. The rashes that are displayed, I can not assign. Attachment : user_dashboard.png Does anyone know the problem? For testing purposes I configured the eBlocker as "expert" and set the DNS server and gateway on my PC to the address of the eBlocker. The problem is cross-browser in Firefo ... |
| UniFi VLANs | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | HappiHippo | Features & Priorities |
| Hello eblocker team, I have been using a UniFi Dream Machine Pro with various VLANs for some time. I read in the community that I can only protect one address range with eBlocker. Is there an improvement planned for the future regarding the protection of the entire network including all VLANs? |