# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| eBlocker Mobile for my Friends? | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Foxy | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i've installed eblocker on my raspberry pi 4 yesterday. I like the software very much, but im question myself right now... Is it possible to create eblocker mobile connections for my friends without them to once join my local network? If yes, how do i do it and can i create custom ones for everyone, like family and friends? |
| DNS curiosity | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | RobF | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear gentlemen, Would anyone care to explain the following. The eBlocker and internet access work as they are supposed to do and eBlocker is set as DNS server with a custom list of external servers as shown below Attachment : IMG_2377.png The Cloudflare server normally shows a green checkbox mark, but for some reason (?) it doesn't do so now. The Quad9 server didn't show a green checkbox mark since a long time (weeks/months!). Now, i just wander how the eBlocker is choosing between these 2 servers or any other additional server ( ... |
| Google ads are back again | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | RobF | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi everybody, Would appreciate a hint to solve above problem which came back for an unknown reason. As an example i enclose 2 screenshots of 'watismijnipadres.nl'. Attachment : IMG_2361.png Attachment : IMG_2367.png To start with, everything which can be green in eBlocker's dashboard is green. Attachment : IMG_2362.png Attachment : IMG_2363.png eBlocker acts as DNS Attachment : IMG_2364.png Attachment : IMG_2365.png and is in Automatic mode Attachment : IMG_2368.png All Pattern Blockers p ... |
| Certificate renewal on iPad failed | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear all, after three years of happily using eBlocker I had to renew my https certificate. Easy peasy to do in eBlocker. Renewed it, downloaded it to my iPad, went through the installation process. Going into the dashboard I get an error message with the red !, that there is no certificate. In my settings I see the new Attachment : IMG_1875.jpeg Attachment : IMG_1877.jpeg Attachment : IMG_1876.png eBlocker certificate added. I have redone the process, but must have made a mistake somewhere. Maybe it helps to know that the ... |
| Telegram app on MacOS don't work with HTTPS enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | dxisto | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I'm new to this forum and also to eBlocker. I installed eBlocker in a Raspberry Pi 4 and everything look ok. But when I enabled HTTPS my Telegram APP stuck at CONNECTING... and don't work. I already imported the SSL Certificate using keychain and also checked TELEGRAM at Trusted APPs. Nothing suspicious is showing at COMMUNICATION FAILURES. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. |
| No Internet Connection When HTTPS is Active | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Tonight, unexpectedly my Mac lost its connection to the internet. My Mac has an installed HTTPS certificate from my eBlocker and HTTPS is activated. Obviously there is something happend with the HTTPS configuration in the eBlocker. Because both of my gadgets that are running a HTTPS certificate are unable to connect the internet. But when I on this gadgets discable HTTPS or eBlocker at all, both connect to the internet. The diagnosis tools from my eBlocker doesn’t show any failures. What should I do in order to determine the cause of the malfunction of HTTPS ... |
| YouTube Ads get blocked with eBlocker | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | none | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I just wanted to give a big Thank You 👏 to the eBlocker team. YouTube remains ad-free on my iOS Safari and Windows Firefox. 😁 All other ad-blockers I've tried failed recently 👎 Probably because Google is cracking down on ad-blockers. Good job, eBlocker👍👍 |
| VPN connection breaks repeatedly | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| I have an issue with repeatedly breaking VPN connections. Only rebooting eBlocker solves the issue temporarily. I am using NordVPN and activate it per device. This works until a certain point in time. Then, the internet connection drops until I disable VPN for the device. Trying to enable it again throws an error as shown in the attached screenshot. Attachment : IMG_0654.jpeg Rebooting eBlocker solves the issue temporarily, meaning that everything works smoothly again also with VPN enabled. No idea which event breaks the connection. It is just ... |
| Trouble Setting up NORD VPN | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I just purchased NordVPN. It also works with the provided NordVPN app, but I am failing to set it up using eBlocker. There seems to be authentication failures, which I cannot explain. As recommended on your website, I was choosing one of those UDP-Files as part of the zip-file of our web-site. I added my credentials to the wizard and everything seems to be set up properly. "Test Connection" says Unable to authenticate. This may have different causes, such as your VPN user name or password is incorrect your VPN account is expired or invalid the ... |
| Lacking some green checkmarks after initial setup | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | FF44 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Attachment : IMG_5069.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5074.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5068.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5067.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5071.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5076.jpeg Attachment : IMG_5075.jpeg Hey, After a little break I am back as a donator. As my „weißer Würfel“ refused to boot I followed your guide and flashed an external SD to get it going again. Booted and followed the initial setup steps until where it says „make sure all checkmarks show green before you continue“. I keep lacking three green che ... |
| eBlocker HTTPS filtering inconsistent, not running on all websites | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jimmysofat6864 | Bugs & Issues |
| I don't know if I am the only person with this issue but I am having issues with eBlocker activating with every website. For example, if I visit theverge.com on my MacBook or my iPhone, I get the icon indicating that eBlocker is working. But if I visit weather.com on my MacBook, it doesn't show the eBlocker icon but sometimes works and shows the icon. But when visiting it on my iPhone, I get the icon and ads are blocked. And there are other websites as well with this issue. If I visit gogoanimehd.to on my MacBook, I get the eBlocker icon. But if I visit it o ... |
| Ads still showing even though HTTPS is enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jimmysofat6864 | Bugs & Issues |
| Just like in the main thread regarding YouTube Ads, I am still getting ads for YouTube even though I have eBlocker set as my DNS server and I have all ad blocking lists enabled. And all google services have been disabled in the trusted apps section. And I made sure that my device passes the function tests. Is there something else I am doing wrong here? I have some photos attached. I come from Pi-Hole and AdGuard Home so I am not used to this but I looked at the other threads and did what was recommended there and I still have ads. Any suggestions are appreci ... |
| gmx mailcheck does not work | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Harryzwo | Bugs & Issues |
| I installed the GMX MAILCHECK extension in Brave browser. When the eblocker is running, the APP cannot register with the provider. |
| Cloudflare | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, can anyone help me why I always end up on this page first when I go to the address is it because of the eBlocker? Attachment : cloudflare.jpg If I set the hook (2x), then I finally get to the desired page - but annoying it is. No idea what Cloudflare is and what it is good for. Thanks 😀 |
| pause via URL | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | pe1aqp | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have on one of my computers a (bash-)script that does some internet access via wget (or curl or similar). When running this script, I have to manually hit the eblocker pause button. It would be nice if this script could set/unset pause, for example via a URL (for example, something like: "wget e"). Perhaps this is already possible, but I cannot find it in the docs. If it's not, it would be a nice addition |
| VM/eBlocker in comparison the Opera browser for example | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Mofa | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, what makes the eBlocker to a better choice than Opera browser for example?Opera has included VPN/IP-anonymizing, the 'do-not'track'-option, anti-AD, protection of bad websites and so on ... DNS rerouting can be modified in common Routers (DNS over TLS) or even in the system control/network of Windows I'm really fascinated by eBlocker, especially because it was not so easy the get started with and I learned a lot by doing.But is it more secure than a well chosen browser?Perhaps that is a not so intelligent question, I don't know. Thanks for your ex ... |
| VM OVA OVF format question | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | minger | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Do you know how to get eblocker vm running under qemu? Let me know. If not, the below you happened to know how to do that. The ova image's ovf xmlns is xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/2"could someone easily generate a xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"version ovf? See more in |
| Issue Regarding iOS App Debeka Gesundheit | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have installed the all new app Debeka Gesundheit (DebGes) 1.0.6 on an iPhone running iOS 16.4.1. This iPhone is connected via VPN with my eBlocker at home. In the dashboard the switch for acitvating eBlocker on this device is set on. When I try to start the registration procedure in the DebGes app it is notifying a failure has been occured. So I have ran a manual diagnosis in eBlockers HTTPS section, and proceed the registration procedure again. But no address has been found. So I switched eBlocker off. And now the registration procudures does launch. Why ... |
| Comdirect not accessible | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | hellb | Bugs & Issues |
| The banking app from Comdirect is not working on my iPhone, neither is the Comdirect phototan app, this issue has been going on since I installed eblocker two years ago. Under Trusted Apps "german banks" is activated. When I switch off eblocker everything works fine. I have the same problem on my mac with macOS catalina. |
| Consent & Cookie-Banner Blocker | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, is there a possibility to create an eBlocker filter similar to the browser extension "I don't care about cookies" ( Thanks for help. |
| HTTPS filtering not working | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | LieberGott | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all, need your support. Topic is possible to find but solutions not helpful in my case. Since yesterday (?) seems https filtering is not working anymore, when I am running the function test I got a warning message for "Web filtering (HTTPS)", independently if I run it with the eBlocker app or in a browser window. Also the cookie banners are back unfortunately :/ Today on my Mac eBlocker asked for a certificate, also the current one was valid until next year (seems deactivate it?). I downloaded a new certificate, and installed and activated it. eBlock ... |
| Understanding question when using two subnets | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Joe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, Subnet A is the network to the internet and the WLAN. Subnet B is the network secured by eBlocker. I have limited the end devices to the most necessary for the question. Subnet A 192.168.30.nRouterA IP / Gateway Route - Subnet B 192.168.100.nRouterB IP / Gateway / Gateway The NAS (http-site) can not be accessed from the notebook, although ping and tracert are succes ... |
| Unable to load license agreement. An internet connection is required. | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | adhater | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello everyone, for me it's not possible to agree to the license agreement. IP settings are correct. It doesn't matter, if DHCP or static IP is selected. I can see on the fw log, that eblocker does some DNS queries, Pings and HTTPs queries and everything is accepted (nothing blocked). I just installed the latest version. Who can help? |
| eBlocker Wifi conenction issue with gstatic.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | BenBen24 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I have the problem that eBlocker blocks my wifi connections in my home network, see screenshot. I lived with it for quite some time, but now I have a new Fritzbox and a new android phone - and it happens again. So I think it is the eBlocker after all. But the problematic URL "gstatic.com" is in eBlocker's trusted website list, so why is eBlocker complaining? Does anyone have an idea what is the cause? Attachment : 13-03-_2023_19-14-28.png |
| EBlocker deactivates itself for a device suddenly | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all, great to see eblocker is evolving with IPv6 and the VM you created. Keep up the great work. Setup: eblocker is connected to a fritz!box and set up in individual mode. Settings confirmed within the browser (Firefox) and the wonderful eblocker App on my iPad. Websites tested: CNN.com, Spiegel.de, untertauchen.info, eblocker.org Issue: Since Wednesday approx noon, eblocker deactivates itself for my iPad connection and does not show any entry for domains. I had it always activated but suddenly noticed that some ads etc. coming through. I checked t ... |
| Android 11 and Firefox: This is how it works for me | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | tdq | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I had the problem that I could not install the certificate on my Firefox on Android 11. After a long search, I found this solution that works for me and might also interest you. My environment is in German, so I describe everything in German. If someone knows the exact terms in English OS, please add. download the certificate from the mobile phone on the E-Blocker Dashboard. add the certificate in Android "Einstellungen" -> "Sicherheit" -> "Verschlüsselung und Anmeldedaten" -> "Ein Zertifikat installieren" -> "CA Zertifikat". Now select the ce ... |
| Force a "safe search" in the google, bing... searchers | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | Features & Priorities |
| It would very helpfull if the "safe search" could be forced on the devices controlled by eBlocker. If you have the eBlocker Parental control activated and the browser safe search deactivated and search for the word "ponography" in the searcher, the images inside the searcher are not controlled by eBlocker. the links to the expecific porn website yes, but no the images on the searcher. (try it) In Google and Bing, I don't know other searchers, the trick is that the Safe search is done in specific servers, with another IP, so eBlocker only need to change the ... |
| Force "safe search" for google, bing... | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| First of all, thanks for all the effort !!! I was looking in the documentation and in the forum but I didn't find nothing related with this topic. It's is posible to force a "safe search" in the google, bing searchers pages for the devices under eBlocker control? Thanks in advance !!!! Best regards Nacho |
| ProxMox: How to upload VM-Disc | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | TuXXer | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, actually I'm trying to install eblocker on ProxMox following the avaialble document. Now I'm stuck in step 2 (upload of vmdk to ProxMox). Can someone give me a little bit more information? Thank you for your help! |
| Do I Know My Hardware? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why do I not see on my eBlockers website information about the hardware where my eBlocker is being installed? |
| Snowflake | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why Snowflake by default isn't a trustworthy service on eBlocker? I've added snowflake.freehaven.net to Mozilla Thunderbird / Firefox. |
| you.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why does eBlocker by default block the new search engine you.com,, created by the Dresden originated scientist Richard Socher? |
| New license key | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | TomTom | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| hello random, I had to reinstall my SD card, please re-enable automatic updates. Thank you |
| NZZ App on iOS | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I want to use the NZZ app on iOS whilest eBlocker is active. As far as I see, there is no predefined trusted apps rule for that app. First question: Why? Second question: Should I define a trusted app rule or a trusted website rule? |
| eBlocker mobile and Fritz!box 7490 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Obviously something has being changed. I have a Fritz!Box 7490 that has been working seemlessly with an eBlocker running on Raspi3 via eBlocker mobile. Now, I have configured my eBlocker as a brand new one from the scratch. But now, it is to me impossible to configure eBlocker mobile. I use - as before - my dynamic DNS address namesomeoddletters.myfritz.net. UPnP is being activated on Fritz!box. So in next step, I let try eBlocker to self assign the appropriate ports 1194 to 1194. That is calling success. But then, when I push the button "test connection" ... |
| Bug while restoring config file | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| @bpr There is no progress bar showing the restore process and when it is finished. If you change the site from the restore to any other, you brick the still running restore process. Can someone confirm this bug? Regards |
| Copy micro SD card? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello dear forum community.My question, is it possible to copy the micro SD card with the e-blocker OS installed and set up (as a backup in case of a defect) ? |
| Can't access EBlocker after update to 2.10 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Rudi | Bugs & Issues |
| Till now I used 2.9 I startet the update to receive 2.10 and there were 81 updates. After about 45 minutes now I can't access the eblocker anymore. That' the first time that I've got this error. 2 hours later I powered off and restart the Rapspery and hoped that will fix the problem. But same fault ? ? |
| Serious Problems Obviously After Update on 2.10.x | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today my eBlocker does not work and, more worsen, obviously did something so that I can not reach the internet even when I unplug the eBlocker from my Fritzbox. I assume, eBlocker performed tonight the update to version 2.10. As well I can not contact my eBlocker via ssh on its IPv4 address in my WLAN: Connection refused at port 22. I am really at the end of my cababilities. I do not really know, where to begin and which steps to go. If I klick on an URI I get the following message in the browser: Error Sorry, an error has occurred. Details: ER ... |
| eBlockerOS 2.10.3 released today | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Benne | Official Announcements |
| We have released eBlockerOS 2.10.3 for all eBlocker devices including the VM-Edition. Please check out our corresponding newsletter here as well as the release notes. Unfortunately we had a bug in the initial 2.10.2 version that affected the VM-Edition only. Thanks to @bpr's quick analyses we were able to fix it instantly. All eBlockers with activated daily updates will receive the latest version automatically over night. Everyone else can update manually at any time. To stay up-to-date about the eBlocker development please signup to our monthly newslett ... |
| E-Mail issues after update to 2.10.2 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Detlef Kunz | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today all my computers connected to internal network with eblocker fail to get mails from my hosteurope imap Servers. Nothing has been changed in network only eBlocker reports update to 2.10.2 this night. Reboot of eBlocker and Router did not fix issue. When I connect to Guest WLAN (which is not protected by eBlocker) everything works fine. Any idea what I could check? Anybody else facing similar problems after update? |