# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| Tutorial, allways get the latest bugfree VM Edition for all common VMs english and german! | Relevance | 2 Wochen ago | henryFatzke | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi Guys, i made a Tutorial for all Users who wanna make theyre own latest Image, bugfree, without having trouble at the registering process! You can use the official .omv Image and convert this to youre preverred VM solution! Just read the attached PDF tutorial in youre preverred language and follow the steps! Have fun... Hallo Leute, ich hab hier eine Anleitung zusammengebastelt, für alle die ein Bugfreies Image erstellen wollen, immer in der aktuellen Version und ohne Probleme beim anmelden, bzw. registrieren für alle gänigen VM Lösungen! Ladet Eu ... |
| False Positive // Malware Patrol | Relevance | 3 Wochen ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi guys, got just a false positive while updating my GPG from h**ps://files.gpg4win.org/gpg4win-4.4.0.exe Attachment : image.png Wish you a healthy and successful 2025! cheers |
| Wrong System Time | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | meitnerium | Bugs & Issues |
| Good morning, I just setup my eBlocker and the system time is 2021-12-02 and I cannot change it. Any advise? I resetted already several times and reinstalled but no change. Kind regards, Daniel |
| eBlocker on Raspi Zero 2W ?? | Relevance | 4 Monaten ago | DERIKKU | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Will eBlocker run on a Raspi Zero 2W? That would be great 🙂 KR Dirk |
| Problems with bund.id | Relevance | 5 Monaten ago | DERIKKU | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, when i use a internet site with ident me with bund.id this is not work. i see nothing in https errors but when i paused the eblocker it is working. |
| eBlocker IPv6 and Fritzbox settings. | Relevance | 9 Monaten ago | Thomaspe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| There are many informations and tutorials about eBlocker and Fritzbox settings. But I am missing detailed informations or a tutorial about the settings in eBlocker and Fritzbox for using IPv6. |
| Set up eBlocker OS VM | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | Selein880 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I need help setting up eBlocker OS VM. I downloaded and imported the version for Hyper v. Machine is running, but what happens next? Can someone help me? Attachment : image.png |
| Bitdefender Warning | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | TomTom | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello eBlocker user This warning always appears when I visit eblocker.org GreetingsThomas Attachment : warning.jpg |
| eblocker with fritzbox error dns | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | alterKelte | Bugs & Issues |
| hi,the name resolution of the eblocker, which is operated in automatic network mode on a fritzbox 7590, no longer works correctly since the domain fritz.box ( was registered. a ping to a local server returns when the eblocker is activated, and the correct when the eblocker is deactivated. how can i achieve the correct resolution again with eblocker activated? ciao markus |
| youtube showing ads and problems | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | thezilione | Bugs & Issues |
| My Android phone don't loading Youtube app with eBlocker. My iOS works fine. and.. in my PC W11, ads is showing on home page. all is okay and configured properly. I use eBlocker with my dhcpc server. I tryhing to add in Whitelist the address, but not works. any suggestion? thanks Attachment : rules.png Attachment : eblocker6.jpg Attachment : eblocker2.png Attachment : print.png Attachment : Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-04-08 à(s) 01.59.30_e6cc2026.jpg |
| eBlocker on a thin client PC with 2.5Gbit Ethernet LAN Port | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | Proton | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello All, I have a Gigabit / 1,000 Mbit/s internet connection (which also arrives at 1100/55Mbit brutto). In order to get around the hardware LAN limit of the RP4 of 1000Mbit/s, I would like to run the eblocker "on a boot PC directly without OS" on a ThinClient PC with a 2.5Gbit LAN connection.To extend the download rate via the eblocker. Can you please tell me whether this increases the maximum download speed of the eblocker (at the moment I have a download speed of around 450Mbit, when the eblocker/RP4 works as a gateway.Is there any hardware that has ... |
| New devices InProComm... | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | Micha | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, devices named 'InPro Comm (1)' keep appearing in my device list, even though I haven't added any new devices.If I delete them, they come back after a few days.Does anyone know what that might be? Best regards Micha Attachment : Geräte.jpg |
| eBlocker https | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | vnn | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello alle of you, my eBlocker cube Version 3 works so well and he blocks very well. However there is a issue with the https. I extract the certificate from the device and import this into the operationsystem in Linux and WIndows. If I visit a webpage that it isnt in the list I get aa message that the controlbar has denied the conection and I can't see anything. When I add this into the list access to the site is available but the controlbar dooesn't show up. Is there an issue in the Beta Version 3? Also I wondered that I have only access to the eblocke ... |
| Devices no longer accessible under Windows/Network/Computer (Windows10) | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | User-JS | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| No issues with the eBlocker in the browser. Internet access working well. The test via Dasboard was successful. In the last few days, the problem has arisen that no devices listed under Network/Computer can be reached under the name given there. The list of computers is complete, but not usable. Only access via the associated IP is still possible. When the eBlocker is deactivated and the PC is restarted, everything works normally again (switching to Pause is not sufficient). Obviously all Windows PCs in the network are affected. Apart from what happens at ... |
| Eblocker and ChatGPT | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | Micha | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I want to use Chatgpt. If the eblocker is active, this doesn't work. I tested it in different browsers. Only when I pause the Eblocker can I work with Chatgpt. I have already added 'chatgpt.com' to the trusted websites but it doesn't work. No https connection errors are recorded either. Can someone help me? Greeting Micha |
| eBlocker Admin password reset not working | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, in the actual eBlocker OS the admin password reset is not working as it should be. It displays the following pictures and after a power off and restart the login mask is still with password. Attachment : image.png Attachment : image.png Attachment : image.png Kind regards |
| eBlocker does not block Google and YouTube | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | Selein880 | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear ladies and gentlemen, My original cube-shaped eBlocker doesn't block trackers and ads from Google and YouTube reliably or at all. Last night he didn't block any ads from Google and YouTube. And today I don't know, does it block advertising and trackers from Google and YouTube? This has been a big issue for me since I stopped subscribing to YouTube Premium. I have reset the eBlocker to factory settings twice in the last few days. I also did several restarts, but they had little or no effect. Thank you for any help Affected is my main device! |
| Deactivate VPN automatically | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | thomas@beier-team.de | Features & Priorities |
| Hello dear eblocker team Is there a way to integrate a function in the eblocker os that automatically disconnects the anonymization function if the VPN provider fails? Possibly also with a notification function. (email?) The background is that my wife and my children are also in the WLAN / LAN in my home network. If the VPN provider has a problem and I am not at home, the other family members can no longer access the Internet due to a lack of eblocker knowledge. GreetingsThomas |
| Delete - All events older than one week - does not work | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello,can anyone confirm that deleting events older than one week does not work: Attachment : eBlocker 12.jpg In my case, only the second option "Delete all" works. |
| Standard settings template for Fritzbox 7590 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | ObiTwo | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear community, may I ask for your support? I have been using: Fritzbox 7590 AX on a fiber optic modem since 27.12.2023.The fiber optic is provided operationally by Telekom.My provider is Vodafone.My eBlocker is the white cube with eBlocker OS 3.0.1 All Fritzbox settings were restored from a backup when the 7590 was first set up. The backup came from the Fritzbox 6591 Cable which was previously in reliable use with eBlocker.The now active 7590 AX has IPv6 activated. Problem: the eBlocker function test shows an error message at 'DNS Firewall' : Your device ... |
| RE: Backup broken under 3.0.1 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Mike Weilenmann | Bugs & Issues |
| Backup function dosn't work anymore since 3.01 |
| RE: Backup broken under 3.0.1 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | thomas@beier-team.de | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello dear community Where is a backup saved to in > System > "Save settings"? When I click on the button, a "spinning top" appears briefly and then nothing happens. If I then click on "Restore settings", an Explorer window opens with the path "C:\Users\thomas\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\PLNGMSW8" but without a backup file. The search does not find an *.eblcfg file in the entire C: drive. Thank you |
| eBlocker and additional AVG Internetsecurity: to what extent is this superfluous? | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Bastet | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| In addition to the eBlocker, I have installed "AVG Internetsecurity". Irrespective of the fact that this software is intrusive, I fear that, similar to unfavorable Firefox settings (e.g. DNS via HTTPS not deactivated), some of the many options of the above-mentioned AVG software also restrict the functions of the eBlocker with superfluous settings. For example, is the antivirus function also superfluous and, if so, which ones?- In the hope that one or the other is familiar with the software 😥 txs |
| eBlocker Mobile for my Friends? | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Foxy | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i've installed eblocker on my raspberry pi 4 yesterday. I like the software very much, but im question myself right now... Is it possible to create eblocker mobile connections for my friends without them to once join my local network? If yes, how do i do it and can i create custom ones for everyone, like family and friends? |
| How do I get my donation license - needed after reinstall | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Stefan Heym | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi all, after long time I had to reinstall my eblocker but now I can't find my donation license anymore. Although I have donated this month I can't get automatic updates. Can you help? Thanks Stefan |
| gmx mailcheck does not work | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Harryzwo | Bugs & Issues |
| I installed the GMX MAILCHECK extension in Brave browser. When the eblocker is running, the APP cannot register with the provider. |
| tracking protection in Firefox for Desktop | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, which of the 3 possible options offered by Firefox does the eBlocker team recommend? - Standard - Strict - Custom I would like to avoid or reduce double blocking if possible. Best regards |
| Cloudflare | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, can anyone help me why I always end up on this page first when I go to the address is it because of the eBlocker? Attachment : cloudflare.jpg If I set the hook (2x), then I finally get to the desired page - but annoying it is. No idea what Cloudflare is and what it is good for. Thanks 😀 |
| Missing map on Electricity Maps | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello at all, why is the map not displayed on Attachment : Firefox01.jpg Is this an eBlocker issue, can someone jump in and help please? Many Thanks! |
| VM/eBlocker in comparison the Opera browser for example | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Mofa | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, what makes the eBlocker to a better choice than Opera browser for example?Opera has included VPN/IP-anonymizing, the 'do-not'track'-option, anti-AD, protection of bad websites and so on ... DNS rerouting can be modified in common Routers (DNS over TLS) or even in the system control/network of Windows I'm really fascinated by eBlocker, especially because it was not so easy the get started with and I learned a lot by doing.But is it more secure than a well chosen browser?Perhaps that is a not so intelligent question, I don't know. Thanks for your ex ... |
| Consent & Cookie-Banner Blocker | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, is there a possibility to create an eBlocker filter similar to the browser extension "I don't care about cookies" ( Thanks for help. |
| Solution how to disable Tenor GIF in Windows 11 emoji picker | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Benne | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I've just upgraded to Windows 11 and was annoyed very much about the new emoji picker menu (when hitting "WIN + ."). Windows loads GIFs from Tenor service without permission or possibility to disable. This opens door to tracking every time the emoji picker is used. And I don't use the silly GIFs anyway... The solution to get rid of Tenor GIFs is quite simple. Just enter these domains in the Block Domains tile of your eBlocker in the Dashboard of the Windows 11 device (or for all devices of the Windows user): Attachment : grafik.png Then the emoji ... |
| Understanding question when using two subnets | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Joe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, Subnet A is the network to the internet and the WLAN. Subnet B is the network secured by eBlocker. I have limited the end devices to the most necessary for the question. Subnet A 192.168.30.nRouterA IP / Gateway Route - Subnet B 192.168.100.nRouterB IP / Gateway / Gateway The NAS (http-site) can not be accessed from the notebook, although ping and tracert are succes ... |
| OrangePi 5 boot problem | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | sarata_raf | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi everyone, I am having trouble with booting my OrangePi 5 with eBlockerOS, it is starting but even after hours nothing happens (still only power LED is on). Already tried different SD cards. I'm using the image for Raspberry Pi, thought that this would be the same and would work. Any ideas if I'm able to run it somehow on OrangePi? |
| Force a "safe search" in the google, bing... searchers | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | Features & Priorities |
| It would very helpfull if the "safe search" could be forced on the devices controlled by eBlocker. If you have the eBlocker Parental control activated and the browser safe search deactivated and search for the word "ponography" in the searcher, the images inside the searcher are not controlled by eBlocker. the links to the expecific porn website yes, but no the images on the searcher. (try it) In Google and Bing, I don't know other searchers, the trick is that the Safe search is done in specific servers, with another IP, so eBlocker only need to change the ... |
| Force "safe search" for google, bing... | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| First of all, thanks for all the effort !!! I was looking in the documentation and in the forum but I didn't find nothing related with this topic. It's is posible to force a "safe search" in the google, bing searchers pages for the devices under eBlocker control? Thanks in advance !!!! Best regards Nacho |
| Original White Cube from early days still suitable? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | psvirtual | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I've been one of the early supporters of the Kickstarter Project and got one of the first available white cubes these days.I stopped using it a few years ago... Question: Is this hardware (no idea what was exactly in the box these days) still powerful enough to run the current versions or would you recommend to get a state of the art Raspberry? Thanks! |
| Raspberry Pi 4 setup before flashing eBlocker software | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Chris4711 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Really simple question and I do not find any answer. Neither Google, You.com nor this forum…😓 Do I need to flash any kind of Raspberry OS from the official Raspberry Homepage before flashing the eBlocker Software onto the microSD Card? Highly appreciated, brief reply - thank you very much. Chris |
| New license key | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | TomTom | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| hello random, I had to reinstall my SD card, please re-enable automatic updates. Thank you |
| Bug while restoring config file | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| @bpr There is no progress bar showing the restore process and when it is finished. If you change the site from the restore to any other, you brick the still running restore process. Can someone confirm this bug? Regards |
| Copy micro SD card? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello dear forum community.My question, is it possible to copy the micro SD card with the e-blocker OS installed and set up (as a backup in case of a defect) ? |
| Can't access EBlocker after update to 2.10 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Rudi | Bugs & Issues |
| Till now I used 2.9 I startet the update to receive 2.10 and there were 81 updates. After about 45 minutes now I can't access the eblocker anymore. That' the first time that I've got this error. 2 hours later I powered off and restart the Rapspery and hoped that will fix the problem. But same fault ? ? |
| E-Mail issues after update to 2.10.2 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Detlef Kunz | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today all my computers connected to internal network with eblocker fail to get mails from my hosteurope imap Servers. Nothing has been changed in network only eBlocker reports update to 2.10.2 this night. Reboot of eBlocker and Router did not fix issue. When I connect to Guest WLAN (which is not protected by eBlocker) everything works fine. Any idea what I could check? Anybody else facing similar problems after update? |
| Youtube videos not working when "HTTP Referrer Header entfernen" / "Remove HTTP Referrer Header" is enabled | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi @ll In the german discord channel, there comes the issue/info, that youtube videos won't play any longer, when the function "Remove HTTP Referrer Header"/ "HTTP Referrer Header entfernen" is enabled! I've checked that in my environment and I have the exact same issue. Network tools from the browser tells the following: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from ') from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested re ... |
| Zoner Photo Studio makes problems when starting with eBlocker running. | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Winfried | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello! I have been using Zoner Photo Studio (ZPS) as a graphics program for a long time. Since several months I have this problem: When I start ZPS it claims that some certificate is not valid - if I want to proceed anyway. When I klick "Yes", the error occurs again (and again ...). When I click "No", it repeats the same for 4 times, and then the program starts. I tried to solve it with the ZPS team, but they could not find out what goes wrong. Then I discovered that, when I pause eBlocker and then start ZPS, it starts all fine without error, and this remai ... |
| eBlocker mobile - https diagnosis | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | jogi | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello eBlocker Team,I noticed that I cannot use the manual https diagnosis via the eBlocker mobile connection.Why is that? |
| Will Eblocker limiting my internet speed ? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Michiel193 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I recently upgraded my internet contract to 1Gbit/s up and down. Now thinking about implementing a raspberry Pi with Eblocker in my network. Will the Eblocker software or a Raspberry Pi 4b limited my internetspeeds? Maybe a NOOB question but cant figure it out online. |
| eblocker cube doesn´t work | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | CA87 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hey, my cube doesn't work anymore. I can no longer access the cube via the browser. also in the Fritz box is not indicated. What can I do ? |
| Novice Knowing How To Configure eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Sandstorm9091 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Attachment : 2022-08-09.png Hello eBlocker volunteers, I’m really new here just a novice when it comes to this sort of technology. I owned several security/privacy products before and my last one was Winston device suppose to perform the same-thing for security than they close up shop and no more updates just a waste of time and money again, tired of being taken $$$. I’m tired of these companies making promises they can’t keep then they don’t stick to it so I thought I would try eBlocker for once. So here goes. I recently downloaded eblocker VM OS ... |
| VPN connection fails | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have 2 identical Raspberry Pi 4 with e-blocker in operation (company and private).With both devices I have problems with the VPN connection from the beginning. In irregular intervals, sometimes after 5 days, sometimes after 10 days, sometimes after 3 days, the VPN connection is disconnected. (the VPN connection icon in the overview is then grayed out).I have tested the following VPN operators: Mullvad VPN (mullvad.net) and OVPN (ovpn.com).In the case of Mullvad VPN, no website is accessible when the connection fails, in the case of OVPN, the VPN connection ... |
| Help setup white cube | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Maitschel | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi. I bought an originally packaged eBlocker Cube and unfortunately I can't get it to work. I've been waiting for the first 5 minutes several times, but the setup.eblocker page doesn't change and I don't see a logo in the top right corner either. Could someone please help me? Thanks |
| RE: New license key | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | bambam | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| My old eblocker "Weißer Würfel" died during the last uodate. So I changed it to a new Raspberry pi 4. Unfortunately i lost my Donor Licence Key from this year, and the old one expired in 12 removed link Is it posslible to restore my Key? Regards bambam |
| Zoom does not work - again and again query: "Windows Security" username and password ... | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | eblocker-fan | Bugs & Issues |
| With your post please always report Hardware you use for running eBlockerOS-> MACBOOK PRO with WINDOWS 10 eBlockerOS version as well as filter lists version-> eBlockerOS version, 2.9.1, eBlocker blocking lists version 2022-06-08-12-58-25 eBlocker network mode (auto, individual or expert)-> expert Which devices runs DHCP server? Router/external, eBlocker or client fixed IP?-> eBlocker IPv6 disabled for client/network?-> disabled Client browser and OS version (i.e. FireFox 80.1 running on macOS 13.4)-> FireFox 101.0 and 97 My problem i ... |
| Docker IP Problem | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous 1477 | Bugs & Issues |
| I installed Project eBlocker over the weekend and had some problems accessing everywhere,like with my PiHole system which is lying in the corner at the moment.A large part of the difficulties I got under control.FritzBos - DHCP OFF, eBlocker switched to indivituelle DNS settings.My problem is now on a NAS with e.g. I get no access,the I get access. What settings must be made in eBlcker to make it work? |
| Home Office over Saas - Remote | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Matten | Bugs & Issues |
| I am in home-office. I use a remote to an Software as a Service provider. With eBlocker I can't get an connection. The remote ressource is not reachabel. I put the adress on the whitelist, it don't help. I use eblocker with VM. Thank you. |
| Update OS 2.5 to 2.9 fails | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | sikookis | Bugs & Issues |
| I own 2 eBlockers (Rasperi 4B 2GB + Sandisk Ultra 64GB MicroSDXC). One of them in daily use (OS 2.9) - one as a spare in the drawer (OS 2.5). Updating the operating system from 2.5 to 2.9 via "License & Update" fails.How can I update to OS 2.9? Look at: |
| RE: private fixing service for white cube users | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | runningman74 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Attachment : 20220504_122858.jpg Attachment : 20220504_122904.jpg Hello! I have a problem with my original eblocker white cube. I connected it with TV screen and took some pictures of booting process. Anyone knows a solution for the problem? Thx in advance! Markus |
| Problem with certificates and updates | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Micha | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, HTTPS has stopped working since the 2.9.1 update. The certificate is no longer recognized, neither in Edge nor in Firefox or on Android devices. I installing a new certificate doesn't change anything. In addition, the manual check for updates no longer works. I get the message 'Check for updates failed' (500 - Internal Server Error - Could not initialize class sun.secritiy.ssl.SSL.ContextImpl$TLSContext). Restarting Eblocker and Browswer didn't help either. The function test shows a red exclamation mark at 'Website filtering (HTTPS)' My conf ... |
| Issue after Update 21..04.2022 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | hatutau | Bugs & Issues |
| eBocker White Cubeconnected with LAN cable to Vodafone FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable KI Up to now the eBlocker worked perfectly. Since the update tonight, it can no longer be reached via the old IP address and is no longer listed in the Fritzbox network.I have reactivated the DHCP of the Fritz Box and restarted the Fritz Box and eBlocker. The LEDs are flashing, but nothing has changed. What can I do? |
| OneNote for Windows 10 synchronisation issue | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | twaniek | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, if eBlocker is activated, OneNote for Windows 10 stopps synchronization. Has anyone a solution for this issue? |
| Problem with internet access after Fritzbox parental controls change | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | PJK | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear eblocker team, have current SW on the e-blocker in auto mode and had to change the parental controls on Fritzbox 7590 with current Fritz OS. Fritz.box DHCP enabled and working. I haven't had internet access since then, but WiFi works fine internally. When eblocker is off, everything works as before, but of course without the eblocker advantages. Have already reset each device and refigured eblocker from/back to auto mode (it finds Fritz DHCP server without any problem). I just can't access the Internet on no device (Windows, Android) with the ebl ... |
| RE: New license key | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Ralf Knabe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi there, I had to reinstall my SD-Card and wanted to reinstall my donor license (donation 14.11.2021), unfortunately I do not have my mail with the donor license anymore. What should I do to get to my license number? Please excuse my bad English. Many greetings Ralf |
| Original White Cube Update from eblocker OS 2.5.6 not successful | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | RuMaHu | Bugs & Issues |
| Hallo, would like to reactivate my eblocker again and migrate to latest OS version. If I try to manual update - there are 89 updates displayed (see the sceenshot below) - I can start the update process and it starts with displaying the update progress with 0% - a short time later the update process ends without an error, but the update wasn't done - if I try to do it again and again - exactly the same behavier like described obove Attachment : image.png I would like to support eblocker development with monthly donations, but therefor I need ... |
| Pi3B/Eblocker crashing becomes unresponsive. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, While writing this my eblocker crashed again (don't know why?!) and my previous post is gone. Attachement 2 is before this post Attachement 3 is after i tried to make my initial post. Short explanation of what's happening : It ran for close to 15? days and suddenly it just stopped working today. I wasn't doing anything special really just updating ESXI 7. When a earlier crash happened i already replaced the SD card with a new one. I did add the crash/system logs from both crashes today. |
| Settings Page not loading on fresh install Raspi 2 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | TauTauBenn2 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, i created an SD card today with Etcher and the eBlocker image and when inserting it into my pi it boots up and tells me the settingspage is reachable via removed link but i can not reach that page getting an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Version is 2.8.0. Waited over 30mins now and already tried flashing the SD a second time. Pi is reachable via ping. |
| eBlocker and Mikrotik | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | dremeier | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Does someone can help me to connect a Mikrotik router with eBlocker? Couldn't find anything about that. Thank you |
| VPN not working | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | corepro | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, unfortunately the VPN connection does not work. I have tried several recommended providers (NordVpn, Hide.me). I get always the same error message. A connection to Tor is possible without any problems. Error Message: Sat Feb 26 10:09:37 2022 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts Can someone help me ? |
| New license key | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | thomas@beier-team.de | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have reset my e-blocker (with new sd card) and need a new activation of the automatic update. How can I request this? |
| Gaming - World of Tanks by Wargaming | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | MSS | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello. Unfortunately, Eblocker partially blocks in-game access to game areas "Replenishment" (web-based access) or events at the moment the trading caravan. How can I get the game and its views on the whitelist? Thank you very much! |
| Password before access to private network through eblocker ovpn profile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | droopy928gt | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear All, Not sure if this is something from eblocker, or something in ovpn. I mainly use eblocker for it's wonderfully easy option to access my private network through ovpn, and if needed use my commercial vpn subscription to go from my private network outside again through it, so passthrough. This works well, at least for me. The concern is, the ovpn profile created via eblocker, when using it with the ovpn client, it works immediately. There's no request for a password or something. My worry is that if someone else gets hold of that file through my stup ... |
| Adblock test | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i was noticing some adds got through and did some checking using the following website : I added the d3host blocklist (hosts file) to Domain Ad Blocker in the eBlocker interface. But still fastclick.com got through? Attachment : fastclick.PNG So i did a tracert fastclick.com and that also went through. If i do a tracert to fastclick.net it tells me it can't find the host Attachment : fastclick1.PNG So 1 is working but the other isn't? Where do i solve/find this issue?Fastclick.net was working by default, Fastclick.com jus ... |
| Doktor in eBlocker: ip6 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Bastet | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello,the function "Doctor" in the eBlocker returns the message, ip6 is not activated. This although in my Fritzbox 7490 the ip6 protocol was enabled and my ip6 address could actually be determined. Meanwhile I deactivated ips6 in the fritzbox until the eBlocker can ip6. |
| Locked out | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | sikookis | Bugs & Issues |
| After switching to a fiber optic connection provider, the error message appears: "Your access to this site has been temporarily restricted by the site owner" and: "Your current IP address is on the black list." Why? The IPv4 address was assigned by the provider and is permanent. |
| Dashboard frozen under Win 11 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello and good day, first the info about the systemEblocker OS 2.8.2 Raspberry 4I Model B (8 GB memory)The Eblocker acts as a DHCP serverThe doctor in EB did not indicate any relevant problems. My computerLaptop Windows 11 Pro with the latest updates. I do not even know where to start. I have accessed the dashboard and this also appears in the browser (tested with Chrome. Edge, Firefox, Opera) but then the page stops responding; every now and then the message Eblocker not available appears (see screenshot). Attachment : Screenshot of eBlocker Da ... |
| Minor issue: user account management | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Sailor | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi. I did donate to get the automated updates and all went fine. My mistake was that I was registering my account only after I did the donation. Is there a way to "add" the donation receipt to the user account after registering an account? Just for the sake of receipt management ... Thx |
| timeout on blocked content delays page loading | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | ABAC | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| on some sites (e.g. www.t-online.de) with many ads - there are several timeouts (each ~20sec) for blocked content which delays loading the page up to 30-60 sec. how does eBlocker answer blocked requests? are they droped/not answered? e.g. pi-hole has the option to answer with to prevent those timeouts is there any configuration in eBlocker I missed? |
| Status bar does not show blocked content | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | pitje | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello all, I have the problem that eBlocker does not show blocked content. When I'm on Youtube the bar shows "0 ads" and "0 trackers", which can not be :-/. Attachment : youtube_statusbar.PNG After a current call, no entry appears in the history either. The rashes that are displayed, I can not assign. Attachment : user_dashboard.png Does anyone know the problem? For testing purposes I configured the eBlocker as "expert" and set the DNS server and gateway on my PC to the address of the eBlocker. The problem is cross-browser in Firefo ... |
| UniFi VLANs | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | HappiHippo | Features & Priorities |
| Hello eblocker team, I have been using a UniFi Dream Machine Pro with various VLANs for some time. I read in the community that I can only protect one address range with eBlocker. Is there an improvement planned for the future regarding the protection of the entire network including all VLANs? |
| camouflage | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | muc | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I noticed during the "privacy check" that the device camouflage does not work. Whether Android or even Linux etc. is set, nevertheless the exact data PC, W10 and Firefox are displayed. Once the camouflage worked, but now again not. What could be the reason for this? Already many thanks and greetings |
| certificate outdated | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | JoergH | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| After some time, I have connected the eBlocker to my network again and last night it also installed the updates. But now I have the problem that on the one hand my iPad no longer opened or updated any apps and emails were not sent. The iPad always said that the eBlocker certificate was not correct. On my Windows notebook, no website opened either and I didn't receive any e-mails either. Then I removed the eBlocker from my network and everything worked again. But I would like to use the eBlocker and the security functions. What do I have to do so that I can s ... |
| Need help with Bild.de | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AntonTir0l | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello Community! I am German and will do my best to explain my problems 😊 When I go to bild.de and want to read an article, I get the error message: "With activated Adblocker you can no longer visit BILD.de". I don't use the Bild app (smartphone), but go to the website without a subscription. Attachment : bild.de.jpg Attachment : bild.de.jpg I have activated bild.de (Bild App)in trusted apps and trusted websites in the exceptions - what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help! |
| httpsguide is a blank page | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Akandesh | Bugs & Issues |
| I just installed eBlocker for the first time and when trying to enable https and install cert the wizard just redirects me to a blank page. Checking the console leads me to Attachment : image.png |
| Domain Malware & Phishing Blocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Domain Malware & Phishing Blocker Hello and good morning. While checking the "Blocker" menu, I noticed that the Eblocker system saved me from harm. Malware has blocked 4x. Great; is it possible for me, e.g. in a log, to track on which device what was blocked ? About answers I would be happy. Thanks Attachment : Blocker.jpg |
| work from home via VPN | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | icho40 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I work from home via VPN.Does eBlocker affect this connection in any way? |
| Win10 + IPVanish Client Software cant connect to VPN site/location | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Superblond | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello Forum! The VPN over eBlocker works fine for me, but when I try to start my APP "IPVanish" (connect client) in Windows I cannot connect to my VPN provider (IPVanish). Only when I pause eBlocker the login works. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug.Can I explicitly enable my IPVanish client in Windows? Thanks for your help!SB |
| Why are important tips & hints for the configuration without any explanation | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Superblond | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello eBlocker users!First of all: The installation on the RasPi was -as promised- easy and without any problems. But what I don't understand is: Why are important tips & hints for the configuration of the RasPi, the eBlocker or the router simply given without any explanation. Example: Txt&Video: Enable DHCP in the eBlocker and disable it on your router!OK, but why should I do it this way? What is better then? Example: Turn off IPv6 on your router!Aha, but why should I do that, how does that help me? Can someone make me a complete n00b & amat ... |
| eBlocker Function Test in Chrome not working with HTTP? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I use the Eblocker in version 2.7.7 As hardware I use the Raspi 4B 8GB My OS is Windows 11 Prof. Browser Chrome 64 bit Since today I get the message in the dashboard during the function test: Load dashboard via HTTP although the lock is visible in the upper left corner of the Chrome browser. If I do this the page will be reloaded. And again it says the same: Load dashboard via HTTP. I have done this.Restarted the Eblocker.The problem still exists. Then I reset the device.The problem still exists. Then i shut down the eblocker and waited a few ... |
| VPN perfect-privacy | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Bastet | Bugs & Issues |
| Good day,so far the VPN service from perfect-privacy worked perfectly in eBlocker.Despite re-recording the ovpn server profiles matching the eBlocker (from the download page of the VPN provider), this is no longer the case. TOR however works.The VPN manager available from the VPN provider works correctly under my current Win10.What could be the cause?Could it be that the eBlocker updates are the cause for this? Thanks for any hints.Bastet |
| Eblocker Mobile works / Settings via DNS not available when on the road | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | Bugs & Issues |
| Moin and greetings from Hamburg. I use the Eblocker for a while now and actually it works quite well. I also use Eblocker Mobile and have this set up as described here ( ) set up. Information which can be found here () was implemented accordingly. When I am at home on my own wifi I can access the dashboard with my smartphone at eblocker.box I reach the settings under: dnscheck.eblocker.com Now comes the problem which I can not quite understand. When I am on the road and my smartphone via VPN Client Pro: I can't reach the dashboard ( eblocker.box ) ... |
| parental control for distinct domains with time limits | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Ill0 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, I was wondering, if I am able to configure parental control on domain level, which is obiously really needed. But I couln't find that kind of logging and filtering. I recently activated the parental control one of my "white cubes" (Family license, v2.7.4). I looked for the ability to select distinct domains to set time limits on, e.g. 1. youtube.*: 30 min/day,2. teams.microsoft.com: 3 h/day (for home schooling/home work)3. WhatsApp: 30 min/day4. etc... Just to set an overall time limit for a day and just exclude domains at all by creating on d ... |
| eBlockerPro - blank window | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Arvi | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I have since 2 days a problem with my eBlockerPro. It no longer works and when I try to log in comes only the (fixed) IP address of the eblocker/settings (192.xxx.x.xx/settings) and nothing happens - a blank window. I also tried to reset the eblocker with USB stick (FAT32 formatted) with an empty file named “eblocker-factory-reset.txt” on the USB stick, unfortunately without success. The icon on the right edge does not come either. In the router I can see the eblocker that In the router I can see the eblocker, which gets an IP address. Does anyone have ... |
| Filter for Personal Device Firewall | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | WaniDani | Features & Priorities |
| Add an option to filter for blocked or non blocked in the domainlist under personal device firewall. |
| Issues receiving emails/newsletter | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Joe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Since 2021 I no longer receive the newsletter email. There are no spam filters or similar set. The email address has not been changed.I receive the emails "instructions for bank transfer" and "you have been mentioned in forum post" as usual.However, this morning I received a request by email to select the newsletter language. |
| Domain Blocker / DNS Firewall: Status shows red exclamation marks | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | MisterWick | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, my eBlocker does not filter ads / trackers. The status in the dashboard shows a red exclamation mark at "Domain Blocker (ads)" and "Domain Blocker (trackers)". On some devices the exclamation mark also appears at "DNS Firewall". The status changes from time to time on the tested devices (Win 10 PC, Android tablet, various Android smartphones with different Android versions), but the status always shows at least one red exclamation mark. I have also cleared the DNS cache in the DNS Firewall. Even after countless attempts, the status does not change to gr ... |
| Update Windows and Edge for Chromium fails | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Satat44 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello The update from Edge for Chromium and from Windows Update has not worked for about 1 month without temporarily deactivating the eblocker ...!! Raspberry Pi 4 4 GB RAM HTTPS switched on otherwise no problems .. Salat44 |
| Spotify - no start page | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | skl1 | Bugs & Issues |
| Bug: Spotify app displays blank home page. Solution: disable https |
| Use as a passive router | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | animatco | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Can eBlocker be used as a passive (or passthru) router. I have it installed on a RPI4 (4gb), that has a USB to 1gig Ethernet adapter. I would love to place it between the ISP's modem and my home WiFI router. The configuration would mean the eBlocker would talk to the ISP's modem and my home WiFi would talk to the eBlocker. Does anyone else have this setup like this? If so, what are the steps to get it going. |