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For tomorrow's two year anniversary of our open source project we have good news to share with you:

A year full of new features
We are very proud that we have developed many new features and improved eBlockerOS this year. One of the most important new features in 2021 is the Personal Device Firewall, which we were only able to develop thanks to the sponsorship by the German DEVK insurances. The recently released Video Ad Blocker is also an important milestone, however, and one many users are excited about. Especially the eBlocker Doctor makes configuration easier for less tech-savvy users, and the Auto Trust App means that many compatibility problems with native apps are now history - without any manual configuration at all. But also a lot has happened "under the hood" - we have fixed numerous bugs and kept eBlockerOS always up to date with the latest security standards, so that all users are - and stay - safe.

Log4j security bug - eBlocker not affected
Talking about security: Last week there was a lot of media coverage about the log4j security bug that affects millions of servers and devices. The good news: eBlocker is not affected by this issue. Neither eBlockerOS nor our central infrastructure was vulnerable at any time. Read more in the forum.

DEVK supports IPv6 implementation in 2022
We are very happy about the trust of the German DEVK insurances, who continue to support eBlocker and the protection of all users in 2022. Thus, DEVK closes the donation gap for the implementation of IPv6, the next generation of the Internet Protocol. This means that in the future eBlockerOS can also protect devices and networks that are exclusively using IPv6. There are extensive development efforts for this and we hope to finish a first version in the first half of 2022. Thank you, dear DEVK for this great support, which renders eBlocker future-proof in the long run!

Financial situation pleasantly stabilized
The financing of our non-profit project has stabilized since the change of the donation model in August. Currently, we are able to cover the costs well thanks to the current donations, so we no longer worried about the long-term continuation of our project. A hearty thank you to all donors, supporters and sponsors at this point! Without you our altruistic project would not be possible.

The best at the end: our supporters
We are especially proud and grateful of one thing: Our great team of volunteer supporters, who drive the eBlocker project forward with passion and commitment. Only thanks to your tireless efforts we have come this far. 1000 thanks for this. You are the best!

Join us and spread the word
Everyone is invited to join the eBlocker team. No matter if you are a developer, marketer, coordinator or tester. We need all the help we can get. And even if you can't participate directly, we are happy to hear from you. Every engagement will be rewarded with a free license key and we are looking forward to welcoming you!

Warm greetings from Hamburg and a Merry Christmas Season
Boris, Christian & the whole eBlocker team

PS: Your opinion counts and we would appreciate your feedback on the current parental controls poll.
eBlocker Open Source UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Hudtwalckertwiete 10
22299 Hamburg


Geschäftsführer/General Manager:
Dipl.-Math. Christian Bennefeld
Sitz/Registered office: Hamburg
Register: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 160491
Steuernr./TaxID: 49 / 717 / 02295