Boot eBlockerOS directly on PC

Due to their very low power consumption, Raspberry Pis are the best solution for using eBlockerOS in continuous operation. But there are also energy-saving ThinClient PCs that are available second-hand for as little as $30. They are an excellent alternative to the Raspberry Pi and eBlockerOS can be booted directly on them. This article describes how you can install eBlockerOS on a ThinClient (or any other PC hardware) and convert the computer into an eBlocker. You do not require a separate operating system such as Windows, Linux or macOS for the ThinClient.

eBlockerOS can be installed on practically any (Intel x86 compatible) hardware – and can also boot directly from it without an additional operating system. All you need is a free software tool and at least 8GB of data storage, such as a USB stick, HDD or SSD.

We have tested the following instructions with an HP T620 ThinClient. However, any other PC hardware with 64bit x86 architecture will work just as well:

  1. Get a ThinClient. For example on eBay for around $30:
  2. Download the eBlockerOS x86 boot image: Boot-Image Download
    SHA256: fea5f7da584f6f81830be364d7803b3a1e5f707498327ebbd6e491ab9ee4d0ed
  3. The disk image must be installed on the USB stick with a program such as balenaEtcher. BalenaEtcher is free to download for Windows, MacOS and Linux here. The image does not need to be unpacked for balenaEtcher.
    Attention: Make sure that you have selected the correct target drive in balenaEtcher, as all data on it will be overwritten.
  4. If you have used a USB stick, you can plug it into a USB port on the front of the ThinClient. Otherwise, install the HDD or SSD hard disk according to the ThinClient instructions.
  5. First connect the ThinClient with the network cable and then connect it to the power supply. Wait 5-10 minutes until the eBlocker has started and is ready for use.
    • If the PC does not boot, check the ThinClient is also configured to boot from the connected USB stick or HDD/SSD drive. This may require settings in the BIOS of the ThinClient. You can find out more in the ThinClient user manual.
  6. It is not necessary to connect a monitor to the PC. However, using the monitor connection for the very first start-up can be useful to observe the boot process and to quickly read the IP address of the eBlocker.
  7. Then follow the Setup Instructions for the eBlocker configuration.

NEW: eBlockerOS 3 released
More about eBlockerOS 3 with IPv6

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