# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| Squid Update needed | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Paddyk | Bugs & Issues |
| The used squid in eblocker is oudated. Please consider an urgend upgrade of the component.There are several CVEs realated to the used version: CVE-2020-11945, CVE-2019-12519, CVE-2019-12524, CVE-2019-12526, CVE-2020-11945, CVE-2019-12524 are the critical ones. I have also 10 high rated ones...Eblocker should increase security and not compromise it |
| Manual update "White cube" does not work | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | steffentaube | Bugs & Issues |
| As I had to discover, since version 2.8.2 the manual update no longer works. When checking for updates, it tells me that new files are available. If I start the update process, it looks like it is started, but after a very short time it shows that it is finished, but no update was really made. I noticed this when I tried to update to version 2.9. 26 files are displayed for me to update, but nothing changed after the update attempt. I therefore need your help. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 11.png Vielen Dank. |
| OneNote for Windows 10 synchronisation issue | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | twaniek | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello all, if eBlocker is activated, OneNote for Windows 10 stopps synchronization. Has anyone a solution for this issue? |
| eBlocker Mobile issues | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear community, since a couple of days, eBlocker Mobile stopped working. Only eBlocker reboot is fixing the issue, however I need to restart every day the eBlocker in the morning to get the eBlocker Mobile function working. I did not changed anything on my network or on my eBlocker Mobile settings prior getting that issue. Does anybody experience the same behavior? THX BonyCB |
| MyFritz DynDNS Service for eBlocker Mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| If somebody here want's to know if the AVM MyFritz DynDNS service operated at myfritz.net is appropriate in order to use it as a reliable dyndns service for eBlocker mobile: I have started trying it. I have entered my so called Fritz! address - something like someoddletters.myfritz.net - as name of the dyndns service in the eBlocker mobile configuration. And my first experience ist: It works. |
| Will Enabling IPv6 in Fritzbox 7490 Cause Trouble? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I would like to enable IPv6 in my Fritzbox 7490 in order to make my Tor Bridge running on a Raspi make more available for people how suffer from internet restrictions. Will enabling IPv6 cause trouble on eBlocker? |
| Remotely Configuring a Device for Remote Access | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have connected a Rasperry Pi via LAN with a Fritzbox 7490. As well with this Fritzbox is connected via LAN my eBlocker which is providing my eBlocker mobile VPN gateway. Now, I am on the way. But nevertheless, I want to access via ssh to the Rasperry Pi. How can I get it? |
| Configuring Apple Homepod Failes | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I think, here is something wrong with DHCP. When I try to configure a brand new Homepod it returns failure code 301009. As far as I understand, this is a problem regarding the integration of the device into the WLAN. In my case, I have a well working installation of a Fritzbox 7490 with an eBlocker, where eBlocker is providing the IP adresses within the network. Does somebody here know the settings of eBlocker which are apropriate in order to get Homepod working? PS: Failure code as shown on Home App on iOS ist 301009. |
| VPN not working | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | corepro | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, unfortunately the VPN connection does not work. I have tried several recommended providers (NordVpn, Hide.me). I get always the same error message. A connection to Tor is possible without any problems. Error Message: Sat Feb 26 10:09:37 2022 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts Can someone help me ? |
| Password before access to private network through eblocker ovpn profile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | droopy928gt | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear All, Not sure if this is something from eblocker, or something in ovpn. I mainly use eblocker for it's wonderfully easy option to access my private network through ovpn, and if needed use my commercial vpn subscription to go from my private network outside again through it, so passthrough. This works well, at least for me. The concern is, the ovpn profile created via eblocker, when using it with the ovpn client, it works immediately. There's no request for a password or something. My worry is that if someone else gets hold of that file through my stup ... |
| Documentation - Library | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Don't remember how i got it, but i have a PDF "eBlocker Open Source ProjectTechnical Background & Core Architecture, 31 January 2020". Makes good reading. Is an update available? Searching the net, i also stumbled upon the document "Wie Profilbildung im Netz funktioniert, 13. März 2021". Is there a "library" somewhere on the Net where users of eBlocker or people simply interested in this 'privacy-machine', can find interesting reading in various languages? Rob |
| Selective add to the blocker list in PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, sometimes I see an entry in my PDFW I would like to block: e.g. a.b.c.d. In eBlocker I can only choose this and block. But what if I want to block b.c.d or c.d or d. Then I have to edit it later on again in the block list. It would be awesome to be able to block e.g. c.d. Without later editing of the block list. Honestly, to me, this is a prio 4 issue and without evidence or experience it appears to me this is not easy to implement in the current GUI. But I thought I still mention it. Maybe I am wrong. Regards and thanks for keeping eBlocker sti ... |
| Add export/import to PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi all, I use the PDFW extensively and with great pleasure. I would love to be able to export the list, in case something happens, and import it again. Thanks. |
| Quick access to Dashboard on Mac | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Whenever i start Safari, especially after a reboot, it takes more time than i'm willing to wait before the eBlocker GUI is shown. To circumvent this issue, i use a Menu Bar Browser shown below. The moment i click on the eBlocker logo in the Menu Bar, the GUI is available. For this i use the app MenuBarX ( available in Apple's App Store. Rob Attachment : shot.png |
| In PDFW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all a quick one. I saw in my personal device firewall. Not app-measurement.com or any other domain name. What does this mean? It looks so different from all other entries. Can I block it the same way? |
| Eblocker between two routers | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| If you believe this is wrongly placed here, please let me know if there are other forums or links with info. Issue: eBlocker does not recognise traffic from second FritzBox. Question: How do I configure the Fritz4060 so the traffic is sent through eBlocker, as with the TPLink. Current setup which works:Internet-FritzBoxISP-eblocker -Tplink WLAN Router TPLink Router and eblocker are both connected via LAN to the FritzBox. TP Link is not in a mesh or so setup. It uses a different subnet. EBlocker recognises it. I can configure eblo ... |
| DNS over https/… over TLS | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | Features & Priorities |
| I would like to see the possibility to use DNS over https or TLS. |
| Rotating VPN Profiles | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | Features & Priorities |
| I would like to see a possibility, if this is at all possible to do, to rotate my VPN profiles. E.g.: I import 10 profiles, 3 in Germany, 4 in CH, and 3 of another VPN provider. I would like to be able to day: Rotate between the profiles a) randomly b) within a region, e.g. Germany or EU 3. Between VPN providers 😱 4. Between a group of selected profiles. |
| SSL in GrapheneOS | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Newbie | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi all. I minor question 😍 I use GrapheneOS as my preferred mobile OS. I installed the SSL Certificate of eblocker in GrapheneOS. But to me it appears that the apps dont catch it. I installed it in Fennec and then I can surf normally. But some apps use https and hence would need o recognise the certificate,m e.g. bromite, but it seems they dont. The grapheneOS chaps answered: Don’t interrupt SSL connections 🙁 Anyone here have any idea? I am aware that this is not necessarily an eblocker issue but a GrapheneOSOS or android one, but I thought maybe s ... |
| Problems with the download speed in the network | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I often have the following problem:My broadband measurement results in download speeds in the home network that are far too low. (Only 3% to 5% of the booked tarif reaches me: 1000Mbit/s booked, broadband measurement on PC or apple TV results in 30 MBit/s). All this time I have been looking for a fault in my home network (router, switch, patch field etc....). By chance I just saw that the public DNS server which was recommended by eblocker.org was rated as unreliable. After deleting the unreliable DNS server, I am currently measuring appro ... |
| eBlocker Mobile not working | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| @random Before dealing with the topic, i want you to know that i regret the friction we had during our last encounter. On this forum you are - as far as i'm concerned - the boss and i therefore seriously intend to stick to the 2 rules shown below. Attachment : AAFB6C7B-2C2A-4120-A85C-72012514BE4E.jpeg Both on my iPhone and my iPad i tried to use Mobile in conjunction with my FRITZ!Box 7590 and the app OpenVPN, version 3.2.3. Tests stipulated an OK Attachment : 13C68F87-FCDD-400A-876E-0EB17E72FB41.png Attachment : 3DCDF57C-6FD1-4C03- ... |
| Eblocker on faster HW | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| EBlocker is now running on Linux, if I recall correctly. I would like to see eBlocker on faster hardware, such as teklager or Protectli. This would also solve the VPN performance issues on Raspi. Not an issue by eblocker software, a natural limitation by raspi processor. |
| Manually blocked domain is not blocked | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | Bugs & Issues |
| Attachment : D51AFA6F-813D-482F-A057-8FF9BD30A1BF.jpeg Dear all, first of all: Thanks for adding the beta (I am aware of this) feature to show the domains blocked and the personal device firewall. Awesome. I think I found a bug, but not sure. I saw access to graph.facebook.com I checked and applied: Always block. The entry graph.facebook.com appears in the Blocked Domains list as graph.facebook.com Now I checked again, and there was an entry to graph.facebook.com with a green check mark and not a red circle. Please see attached picture. Wha ... |
| Adblock test | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i was noticing some adds got through and did some checking using the following website : I added the d3host blocklist (hosts file) to Domain Ad Blocker in the eBlocker interface. But still fastclick.com got through? Attachment : fastclick.PNG So i did a tracert fastclick.com and that also went through. If i do a tracert to fastclick.net it tells me it can't find the host Attachment : fastclick1.PNG So 1 is working but the other isn't? Where do i solve/find this issue?Fastclick.net was working by default, Fastclick.com jus ... |
| eBlocker does only block trackers & Co. on the top level domain | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | kanaloa | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, eBlocker does only block trackers & co. on the top level domain. For example, if I navigate to www.macrumors.com eBlocker shows 4 blocked trackers. If I click on another link (here macOS Monterey) eBlocker does not show any blocked trackers. The same happen to www.spiegel.de. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.28.png Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.44.png |
| Doktor in eBlocker: ip6 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Bastet | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello,the function "Doctor" in the eBlocker returns the message, ip6 is not activated. This although in my Fritzbox 7490 the ip6 protocol was enabled and my ip6 address could actually be determined. Meanwhile I deactivated ips6 in the fritzbox until the eBlocker can ip6. |
| eBlocker assigns many ip address for one device | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Chinmayo | Bugs & Issues |
| see screenshot. Reinstalled Raspery eblocker os, DNS Server is Fritz!Box Router, eBlocker runs in Automatic Network Mode. Issue appears not with some MacBook in my office. Some Router. Any Ideas? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-09 um 22.19.37.png |
| Dashboard frozen under Win 11 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello and good day, first the info about the systemEblocker OS 2.8.2 Raspberry 4I Model B (8 GB memory)The Eblocker acts as a DHCP serverThe doctor in EB did not indicate any relevant problems. My computerLaptop Windows 11 Pro with the latest updates. I do not even know where to start. I have accessed the dashboard and this also appears in the browser (tested with Chrome. Edge, Firefox, Opera) but then the page stops responding; every now and then the message Eblocker not available appears (see screenshot). Attachment : Screenshot of eBlocker Da ... |
| Configuring a Remote Gadget for Usigen eBlocker mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I want to configure a remote Mac for using my eBlocker mobile. But this Mac can not be brought into my WLAN. What do I have to bring personally from my WLAN to this Mac in order to configure it for using my eBlocker mobile VPN? Sketch: My Mac (((WLAN))) (Fritzbox/eBlocker) < - Internet/eBlocker mobile - > remote Mac |
| timeout on blocked content delays page loading | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | ABAC | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| on some sites (e.g. www.t-online.de) with many ads - there are several timeouts (each ~20sec) for blocked content which delays loading the page up to 30-60 sec. how does eBlocker answer blocked requests? are they droped/not answered? e.g. pi-hole has the option to answer with to prevent those timeouts is there any configuration in eBlocker I missed? |
| Trying to figure out why some apps/websites won't work. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, this is my first post here but i have been using Eblocker for a while now how but i can't figure out a small issue i'm having : My network is as follows : Modem (bridge mode)->Ubiquiti router->Switch->Eblocker. Router : (Eblocker IP put in here as DNS1, DNS2 has a bogus IP : : Eblocker is set as DNS in the router and it works, however i got some issues and just let me pick one the kids keep nagging about. There's a game called 'AFK Arena'. This game works when HTTPS ... |
| Connection drops every 2-5 minutes | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | OnSerious | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, i gave eBlocker a try and love it. But i have a very strange behavior on my home network and don’t know how to sort it out. Quick Facts: - FritzBox 7590 (Mainbox) on 1&1 Versatel Line - FritzBox 7490 (used as Wifi Repeater connected over LAN) - FritzRepeater 1200 - OpenWRT Device (used as Wi-Fi Repeater connected over LAN) Hardware: Raspberry PI3 B connected over LAN directly to FritzBox 7590 running eBlocker 2.8.2 Problem: I am running eBlocker in expert mode with external DHCP (7590). FritzBox IPv6 disabled, and DHCP DNS Setting on 7590 s ... |
| Blick.ch APP iOS not Work | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | CHRvE | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, i can't open the BLICK.CH APP in iPhone 12Pro (All iOS Versions) When i start the app, pop's on and closed afther 1-2 sec. Only whan i disable WERBE Blocker runs fine. With Https Verbindungfehler i not see any links/port i must manually open. Thanks |
| Reduce internet-bandwith-usage for gaming console with eblocker? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | tsch | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, before digging deeper into eblocker I'd like to ask, if it is possible to reduce the internet-bandwith for the gaming console of my son to 20Mb for example. What would be the topic in the eblocker documentation I should search for? Thanks a lot for helping. |
| Bromite, Android, eBlocker Certificate | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | taipan | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear all, I use Android (grapheneos), eBlocker 2.8.2 and usually fennec as my browser. The certificate to use https is installed in Android. This all works well. Now I read that fennec is crap and bromite browser is the better option. So I thought I give it a try. It seems to me that Bromite does not recognise the certificate and I could not find a setting in bromite to add one. I am sure this can be done. What did I overlook? Thanks in advance. |
| Problems after Plugin Installation (Foscam) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I have the following problem and I can not classify who to contact with it: My eblocker is running fine so far. An eblocker certificate for https pages is installed.I can access all the websites I want to visit without any problems. I use a new Foscam camera and would like to access the cloud of Foscam. When I go to the site and log in, I get a message that to use the service a plugin must be installed (fscloud.pkg). But as soon as I install this plugin suddenly I am not able to visit any websites anymore, because I get a message that almost all ... |
| iPhone does not establish eBlocker mobile connection | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| What can I do? Today, as often before, I wanted to establish with OpenVPN app on iOS an eBlocker mobile connection to my eBlocker at home. But the connection has not being established. Now I am back at home. How can I find, what ist the reason for this problem. And how can I solve it? |
| Cannot install the certificate in VPN and apps | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | tdq | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I have an Android one (11) and would like to install the certificate under VPN App User Certificate. Unfortunately I get the message: File cannot be used. I read here in the forum that I should reduce the validity of the certificate to two years. Unfortunately, this has brought nothing. Under the item WLAN and CA I was able to install the certificate. Unfortunately, this did not do anything for the apps or the browser (Firefox). Do you have a tip what I could do? Thanks a lot |
| eBlocker Mobile stopped working | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear community, Today I experienced that the eBlocker Mobile function is not working anymore, which did on last Saturday, 27th of November 2021. I did not changed anything on the e-Blocker settings, neither on the Fritzbox 7590. VPN settings is via e-Blocker server. No external VPN setup installed. Did anybody else experienced similar behavior? THX BonyCB |
| Different Behaviour at LAN or WLAN | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I am connecting my MacBook Air with Fritzbox only via WLAN. On eBlockers website > devices my MacBook Air is shown as eBlocker activated. Everything works very well. Just now, for the first time, I have connected my MacBook Air via LAN cable with Fritzbox. It has got the same IP address. It is shown on eBlocker website > devices as eBlocker ativated. But, now there are on websites shown advertisements as not before on WLAN. What's wrong? |
| Weird DNS Issue | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Suddenly I was being unable to reach any website. Firefox on my iPhone told me, it would being unable to establish a secure connection. So I have switched off eBlocker. Instantly all internet connection worked well as expected. So, I was looking at the eBlocker Doctor. There was a red marker at the DNS topic. Due to avoid the small display of the iPhone I took my MacBook, opened the eBlocker configuration site. But now, the DNS topic was marked in green. Back to the iPhone everythink worked well again. Where can I find what has happened when the DNS topic ... |
| Domain Malware & Phishing Blocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | AndreasHamburg | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Domain Malware & Phishing Blocker Hello and good morning. While checking the "Blocker" menu, I noticed that the Eblocker system saved me from harm. Malware has blocked 4x. Great; is it possible for me, e.g. in a log, to track on which device what was blocked ? About answers I would be happy. Thanks Attachment : Blocker.jpg |
| Problems by visiting Thalia-Website with eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Simon | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello together, since a few weeks I have problems when I visiting the website . The website is normally displayed correctly, but for a short time now the website has only looked very limited when the eBlocker is active. The graphics are no longer displayed at all, leaving only the text on the page. I haven't changed any settings on the eBlocker, which explains the problem. What can I do here without having to add the website to the exception list? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 12.47.42.png |