# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| eBlocker does not (properly) update & License activation does not work anymore | Relevance | 4 Wochen ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, after having some serious issue with my network stability I recognized that my eBlocker did not work properly anymore. Updates weren't done, and I observed then that it contained the very old "Family License" and did not apply my current DONOR-license. Trying to activate the DONOR-license again did not solve the issue. Still says "Family License", activated November 2021. Obviously, things like automatic list update also are not working anymore. Rebooting did also not change anything (anyway, I did not unplug the power supply yet). I do not know what c ... |
| www.kuketz-blog.de can not be connected | Relevance | 1 Monat ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I am facing a weird issue: If eBlocker is active Firefox as well as Safari on iOS does not load the website www.kuketz-blog.de. I have added the domain as a trusted website in eBlockers HTTPS settings. But the issue is remaining. But when I pause eBlocker the website is being loaded. What hinders the browser on loading the website when eBlocker is active? |
| Backup Battery for Raspberry Pi 3 | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Today a question not directly related to eBlocker. I run eBlocker on a Raspberry Pi 3. To avoid damages on eBlocker by power outage I have equiped my Pi with such a backup battery: How can I check the state of charge of this battery whilest eBlocker is running? |
| Fritzbox 7690 | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have to replace a Fritzbox 7490 with a new Fritzbox 7690. Should I configure both devices as before in the combination with the Fritzbox 7490, especially regarding DHCP server settings? What is the most appropriate configuration of eBlocker in combination with the Fritzbox 7690? |
| Bitdefender - issues with update | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | BonyCB | Bugs & Issues |
| Since a while, Bitdefender is only updating, If I disable the e-Blocker. Bitdefender is activated as trusted app and trusted websites. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-03 um 16.54.48.jpg Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-03 um 16.55.37.jpg Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-03 um 16.56.07.jpg third picture shows proper function of Bitdefender update after pause of the e-blocker. Any idea what to do? BR BonyCB |
| eBlocker on Raspi Zero 2W ?? | Relevance | 3 Monaten ago | DERIKKU | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Will eBlocker run on a Raspi Zero 2W? That would be great 🙂 KR Dirk |
| Problems with bund.id | Relevance | 4 Monaten ago | DERIKKU | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, when i use a internet site with ident me with bund.id this is not work. i see nothing in https errors but when i paused the eblocker it is working. |
| eBlocker Mobile connectivity on mobile/cellular network | Relevance | 5 Monaten ago | etuckeriv | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello! I have eBlocker Mobile setup on my eBlocker and my android phone. I have noticed that I can connect to it and everything works great when I'm connected to WiFi (not my home WiFi, but other WiFi hotspots outside of my home network), however I am unable to connect properly while I am on my mobile/cellular network. The OpenVPN Connect status shows that it is connected, however I cannot reach the internet or any of my network devices (such as the eBlocker appliance or my pfSense router/firewall). I am in the US and use Mint Mobile as my carrier (a T-Mob ... |
| DNS Rewrites | Relevance | 5 Monaten ago | etuckeriv | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello! New user coming from AdguardHome and I'm loving this product so far, thanks to the team for such great work! I'm trying to figure out how to properly configure local DNS Rewrites (if you're familiar with the term from AGHome). I see the "Local Network" settings in the DNS Server, and I've tried creating a local domain that points to an IP address to a server on my network (example: homeassistant.local.homelab.com > I also tried adding a port forward for 8123 for any traffic attempting to access that server, but that didn't work eit ... |
| eBlocker Can Not Reach IPv6 Internet by ICMPv6/ping | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Today unexpectedly my internet connection has beend interrupted. I could not reach my Fritzbox 7490 on fritz.box, and – most weird – at my eBlockers address I saw the following: Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-24 um 15.18.57.png Some minutes later I was informed my eBlocker would going shut down, additonal minutes later it might have been shut down, and again some minutes later the internet was reconnected. But now I see at Der eBlocker selbst kann das IPv6-Internet mittels ICMPv6/ping nicht erreichen. What's going wrong? What should I do? |
| Running an Experimental Server on a Virtual Machine within the Network | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I want to configure and run an experimental server on a virtual machine within my local network. The host is my Mac running Virtualbox. The server is a Debian guest on this host. I want to configure the guest following this description: And now I have a question regarding the static IP address of this server. In chapter 6 of the aforementioned description it is recommended to define a static address directly in the settings of this server. Can I follow this instruction, or will it cause troubles with the DHCP server provided by my eBlocker? |
| Losing Internet Connection Almost Every Night | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I am running the current version of eBlocker on a Raspberry Pi 3 with 4 GB RAM. My router is a Fritzbox 7490. The eblocker is running the DHCP server, but not the Fritzbox, as recommended in the manual. Since the upgrade on eBlocker version 3.x approximately each third night something happens so that in the morning I have no internet connection for the devices within my WLAN. So every morning, I restart the eBlocker via its GUI. And then again, the internet connection is re-established. But I consider it as a workarround. What can I do in order to have an c ... |
| No Internet Connection When HTTPS is Active | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Tonight, unexpectedly my Mac lost its connection to the internet. My Mac has an installed HTTPS certificate from my eBlocker and HTTPS is activated. Obviously there is something happend with the HTTPS configuration in the eBlocker. Because both of my gadgets that are running a HTTPS certificate are unable to connect the internet. But when I on this gadgets discable HTTPS or eBlocker at all, both connect to the internet. The diagnosis tools from my eBlocker doesn’t show any failures. What should I do in order to determine the cause of the malfunction of HTTPS ... |
| Reactivating eBlocker after Shutdown | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have shut down my eBlocker. Then I have it unplugged from power supply and from the Router Fritzbox 7490. Next I reconnected the LAN cable and the power supply. But now my WLAN were not working. So I activated the DHCP server on the Fritzbox. That brought my WLAN back alive. But my eBlocker remained and remains unreachable in the network on its previous IP address. What can I do in order to reconnect my eBlocker and make it working? |
| Issue Regarding iOS App Debeka Gesundheit | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have installed the all new app Debeka Gesundheit (DebGes) 1.0.6 on an iPhone running iOS 16.4.1. This iPhone is connected via VPN with my eBlocker at home. In the dashboard the switch for acitvating eBlocker on this device is set on. When I try to start the registration procedure in the DebGes app it is notifying a failure has been occured. So I have ran a manual diagnosis in eBlockers HTTPS section, and proceed the registration procedure again. But no address has been found. So I switched eBlocker off. And now the registration procudures does launch. Why ... |
| Do I Know My Hardware? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why do I not see on my eBlockers website information about the hardware where my eBlocker is being installed? |
| Snowflake | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why Snowflake by default isn't a trustworthy service on eBlocker? I've added snowflake.freehaven.net to Mozilla Thunderbird / Firefox. |
| NZZ App on iOS | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I want to use the NZZ app on iOS whilest eBlocker is active. As far as I see, there is no predefined trusted apps rule for that app. First question: Why? Second question: Should I define a trusted app rule or a trusted website rule? |
| eBlocker mobile and Fritz!box 7490 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Obviously something has being changed. I have a Fritz!Box 7490 that has been working seemlessly with an eBlocker running on Raspi3 via eBlocker mobile. Now, I have configured my eBlocker as a brand new one from the scratch. But now, it is to me impossible to configure eBlocker mobile. I use - as before - my dynamic DNS address namesomeoddletters.myfritz.net. UPnP is being activated on Fritz!box. So in next step, I let try eBlocker to self assign the appropriate ports 1194 to 1194. That is calling success. But then, when I push the button "test connection" ... |
| Webinar at edudip.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Does somebody know how to configure eBlocker in order to take part in a webinar broadcasted via edudip.com? I would like to keep all ad blockers and tracking blockers alive while joining the webinar. How would it work? |
| submission.coronawarn.app | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Today I had to use my Corona Warn App for warn others. But when it came to submit addional information regarding symptoms for better understanding of the pandemic submission to the server failed, due to being blockes by eBlocker. I have found that for CWA the server submission.coronawarn.app is not set by default as a trustworthy. Is this a bug or a feature? On my eBlocker I have added this server manually for CWA. |
| EBlocker IP-Anonymization feature leaks dns | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | GGGErnest | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello Eblocker Team, I have configured a vpn using NordVpn provider as you recommended and followed all the steps explained in this guide .After I'm connected to the VPN I ran some tests just to check how well protected I am, and it seems that eblocker has some issue that is leaking DNS which from my understanding should not be the case. Here is how I tested this: 1- I confirmed that NordVpn's server is not leaking DNS' because I connected to the same server using NordVpn's client app and run the same test and it didn't leak any DNS. The test I ran is the ... |
| Pi3B/Eblocker crashing becomes unresponsive. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, While writing this my eblocker crashed again (don't know why?!) and my previous post is gone. Attachement 2 is before this post Attachement 3 is after i tried to make my initial post. Short explanation of what's happening : It ran for close to 15? days and suddenly it just stopped working today. I wasn't doing anything special really just updating ESXI 7. When a earlier crash happened i already replaced the SD card with a new one. I did add the crash/system logs from both crashes today. |
| MyFritz DynDNS Service for eBlocker Mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| If somebody here want's to know if the AVM MyFritz DynDNS service operated at myfritz.net is appropriate in order to use it as a reliable dyndns service for eBlocker mobile: I have started trying it. I have entered my so called Fritz! address - something like someoddletters.myfritz.net - as name of the dyndns service in the eBlocker mobile configuration. And my first experience ist: It works. |
| Will Enabling IPv6 in Fritzbox 7490 Cause Trouble? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I would like to enable IPv6 in my Fritzbox 7490 in order to make my Tor Bridge running on a Raspi make more available for people how suffer from internet restrictions. Will enabling IPv6 cause trouble on eBlocker? |
| Remotely Configuring a Device for Remote Access | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have connected a Rasperry Pi via LAN with a Fritzbox 7490. As well with this Fritzbox is connected via LAN my eBlocker which is providing my eBlocker mobile VPN gateway. Now, I am on the way. But nevertheless, I want to access via ssh to the Rasperry Pi. How can I get it? |
| eBlocker mobile has stopped working properly | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| For a few days eBlocker mobile has stopped working properly. But I did not change anything in the configuration. Before my iPhone automatically switched between cellular connection and known wifi connections seemlessly. In the same way VPN to eBlocker mobile has being switched off when going to connect via wifi. But now, for a few day, it has stopped working properly. Now, if I enter a known wifi area, in the display of my iPhone the icon of cellular network with the VPN icon on its right side disappears and for short the wifi icon is being shown. But no in ... |
| Configuring Apple Homepod Failes | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I think, here is something wrong with DHCP. When I try to configure a brand new Homepod it returns failure code 301009. As far as I understand, this is a problem regarding the integration of the device into the WLAN. In my case, I have a well working installation of a Fritzbox 7490 with an eBlocker, where eBlocker is providing the IP adresses within the network. Does somebody here know the settings of eBlocker which are apropriate in order to get Homepod working? PS: Failure code as shown on Home App on iOS ist 301009. |
| Adblock test | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mwbreur | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i was noticing some adds got through and did some checking using the following website : I added the d3host blocklist (hosts file) to Domain Ad Blocker in the eBlocker interface. But still fastclick.com got through? Attachment : fastclick.PNG So i did a tracert fastclick.com and that also went through. If i do a tracert to fastclick.net it tells me it can't find the host Attachment : fastclick1.PNG So 1 is working but the other isn't? Where do i solve/find this issue?Fastclick.net was working by default, Fastclick.com jus ... |
| Minor issue: user account management | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Sailor | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi. I did donate to get the automated updates and all went fine. My mistake was that I was registering my account only after I did the donation. Is there a way to "add" the donation receipt to the user account after registering an account? Just for the sake of receipt management ... Thx |
| httpsguide is a blank page | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Akandesh | Bugs & Issues |
| I just installed eBlocker for the first time and when trying to enable https and install cert the wizard just redirects me to a blank page. Checking the console leads me to Attachment : image.png |
| Issues with mega.nz | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Fraggle | Bugs & Issues |
| I use the eBlocker on a Raspi 3b+. Everything is set up as far as it goes. Unfortunately, I cannot access mega.nz unless I deactivate the eblocker. I have enabled the domain under "Blocker", "allowed websites", but unfortunately it does not work. The page loads, but does not load completely. |
| LAN traffic from eBlocker / network LED blinking | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | droopy | Bugs & Issues |
| Dear All, Thank you VERY much creators and developers of eblocker. I'm new to this forum, and eblocker, and unfortunately absolutely no expert on embedded linux and this type of devices. I discovered eblocker reading an article in a local computer magazine, and thought it to be perfect for me. Ad filtering, openvpn server and client, in one, easily configurable. Plus the ability to do per device setup, and coming in through the openvpn server, and going out again via the client to tor or a openvpn compatible provider. To date I used a vpn client gateway in ... |