# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| can not update to 2.5 with white cube | Relevance | 1 Monat ago | enemymine | Bugs & Issues |
| I Just reactivated my old white cube and I'm using eBlockerOS 2.4 behind a fritzbox 7590. I reset it to factory setting and was able to got through the initial setup process. No I'm stuck with the Update. When trying to update to 2.5 the Lightbox popup seems to fail when loading the term of service and therefore I can not initiate the process. See att. screenshot Attachment : image.png |
| eBlocker does not (properly) update & License activation does not work anymore | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, after having some serious issue with my network stability I recognized that my eBlocker did not work properly anymore. Updates weren't done, and I observed then that it contained the very old "Family License" and did not apply my current DONOR-license. Trying to activate the DONOR-license again did not solve the issue. Still says "Family License", activated November 2021. Obviously, things like automatic list update also are not working anymore. Rebooting did also not change anything (anyway, I did not unplug the power supply yet). I do not know what c ... |
| Rasberry network connection not available | Relevance | 2 Monaten ago | CKBuch | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I can no longer find the Rasberry in the network via the router. I have installed the software on the SD card again, but without success. How can I find out whether the Rasberry - Model 4 - B - is defective? Thank you and best regards |
| Firefox 131.0.3 Error: connection failed | Relevance | 4 Monaten ago | andisa | Bugs & Issues |
| Since some weeks I get the following error message, when I try to open the eBlocker dashboard: Error: Connection failed An error occurred while connecting to 192.168.xxx.xx. The website may be temporarily unavailable, please try again later.If you are also unable to access another website, please check the network/Internet connection.If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, please make sure that Firefox is allowed to access the Internet. The same message occures, when I use the Brave Browser. In both browser the eblocker icon is n ... |
| evcc Service on eBlocker-Raspberry Pi - any issues? | Relevance | 11 Monaten ago | mr.bien | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello everyone, may be a stupid question - but I am not that experienced with Raspberry-Pi and its capabilities. I have eBlocker running on Raspberry-Pi. Runs perfectly. For my home, we are about installing photovoltaics and want to take advantage of surplus loading together with an electric vehicle. For that purpose, another Raspberry-Pi application "evcc" is recommended in order to control the power flow of the photovoltaics system. I wonder if I should or could reuse the existing Raspberry-Pi hardware serving eBlocker today also for that addtional ev ... |
| reCAPTCHA | Google for Developers | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | RobF | Bugs & Issues |
| As some of you may recall, I detest Google and the question I have only has to do with eBlocker on the sideline. Apart from this issue, my white cube with eOS 3.0.3 works flawless. When trying to login with my hosting provider Cloud86 ,I can't get in as long as eBlocker is switched ON. Reason: they use reCAPTCHA to provide a ' Save login'. IMHO this is "go to the confession with the Devil". Of course I could Pause eBlocker during login. Hm... Or include the relevant connections in a 'safe' app. Hm... |
| Apparent discrepancy on the dashboard (version 3.02) concerning the presence of the certificate | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | adaeweritz@t-online.de | Bugs & Issues |
| Along time ago, I started to use eBlocker in the form of the white cube. When the cube failed to accept a further update I installed the eBlocker software on a Raspberry 4 and continued my computer life with this eBlocker. Then I learnt to reactivate the white cube by installing an SD-card and returned to the cube. Since then I keep both eBlockers up-to-date (the Raspi as a spare fall-back version). Presently, eBlocker’s OS version is 3.0.2. Now to the reason for this mail: Last month, I transferred my mac-system from an iMac 27“ (Big Sur) to a new Mac St ... |
| Original eBlocker version (from inception 7 years ago) never activated | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | CBR | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Is the hardware version I have still operable? It is the original lifetime version. Due to certain events and life challenges, I never used my original eBlocker. --->Actually, it's still in the mailing package unopened. I have everything that was initially sent to me. I've been reading the eBlocker site & have downloaded the original manual. I realize it may have to go through many updates. Is it possible? Adding that it's simply for home use. I have an old Mac which I plan to replace but not yet. |
| Backup broken under 3.0.1 | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | RobF | Bugs & Issues |
| Since the update to eBlockerOS 3.0.1, I can't find the backup file made by Settings/System/Backup in the download folder. This is true for my iPad and my iMac. Last time I made a backup was November 12th and had no problem then. Tried it several times and downloaded files from various internet sites, just to make sure that the download-location was unchanged. As always, I can't exclude my own errors 😉 Rob |
| Telegram app on MacOS don't work with HTTPS enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | dxisto | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I'm new to this forum and also to eBlocker. I installed eBlocker in a Raspberry Pi 4 and everything look ok. But when I enabled HTTPS my Telegram APP stuck at CONNECTING... and don't work. I already imported the SSL Certificate using keychain and also checked TELEGRAM at Trusted APPs. Nothing suspicious is showing at COMMUNICATION FAILURES. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. |
| No Internet Connection When HTTPS is Active | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Tonight, unexpectedly my Mac lost its connection to the internet. My Mac has an installed HTTPS certificate from my eBlocker and HTTPS is activated. Obviously there is something happend with the HTTPS configuration in the eBlocker. Because both of my gadgets that are running a HTTPS certificate are unable to connect the internet. But when I on this gadgets discable HTTPS or eBlocker at all, both connect to the internet. The diagnosis tools from my eBlocker doesn’t show any failures. What should I do in order to determine the cause of the malfunction of HTTPS ... |
| Reactivating eBlocker after Shutdown | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have shut down my eBlocker. Then I have it unplugged from power supply and from the Router Fritzbox 7490. Next I reconnected the LAN cable and the power supply. But now my WLAN were not working. So I activated the DHCP server on the Fritzbox. That brought my WLAN back alive. But my eBlocker remained and remains unreachable in the network on its previous IP address. What can I do in order to reconnect my eBlocker and make it working? |
| Trouble Setting up NORD VPN | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I just purchased NordVPN. It also works with the provided NordVPN app, but I am failing to set it up using eBlocker. There seems to be authentication failures, which I cannot explain. As recommended on your website, I was choosing one of those UDP-Files as part of the zip-file of our web-site. I added my credentials to the wizard and everything seems to be set up properly. "Test Connection" says Unable to authenticate. This may have different causes, such as your VPN user name or password is incorrect your VPN account is expired or invalid the ... |
| Ads still showing even though HTTPS is enabled | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | jimmysofat6864 | Bugs & Issues |
| Just like in the main thread regarding YouTube Ads, I am still getting ads for YouTube even though I have eBlocker set as my DNS server and I have all ad blocking lists enabled. And all google services have been disabled in the trusted apps section. And I made sure that my device passes the function tests. Is there something else I am doing wrong here? I have some photos attached. I come from Pi-Hole and AdGuard Home so I am not used to this but I looked at the other threads and did what was recommended there and I still have ads. Any suggestions are appreci ... |
| how to define a local network | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | holli73 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| i'm using nxfilter.org as my dns server on a pi4 and setup a local domain (hostnames.myhouse.local) the local domain is controlled by a bind9 vm - so in nxfilter i have a simple rule that all queries matching *.myhouse.local are send to the bind9 vm and all other is going to the public ones - looks like this Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-13 um 07.54.03.png i could not find any option like this in eblocker - is this possible? i would like to use ping hostname without specifying always ping hostname.myhouse.local - or must i put all already de ... |
| HTTPS filtering not working | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | LieberGott | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi all, need your support. Topic is possible to find but solutions not helpful in my case. Since yesterday (?) seems https filtering is not working anymore, when I am running the function test I got a warning message for "Web filtering (HTTPS)", independently if I run it with the eBlocker app or in a browser window. Also the cookie banners are back unfortunately :/ Today on my Mac eBlocker asked for a certificate, also the current one was valid until next year (seems deactivate it?). I downloaded a new certificate, and installed and activated it. eBlock ... |
| Do I Know My Hardware? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why do I not see on my eBlockers website information about the hardware where my eBlocker is being installed? |
| Snowflake | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why Snowflake by default isn't a trustworthy service on eBlocker? I've added snowflake.freehaven.net to Mozilla Thunderbird / Firefox. |
| ClamAV | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Neppumuck | Features & Priorities |
| Hi, i use the VM edition and take a look arround in the system. I see, squid and icap is used. i´m sure, there was a plan to integrate ClamAV in the eBlocker. But the Hardware was to small to give a nice performance. So in the VM edition is enough power to realize such an feature, right? Before i try to invest a lot of hour to find out, how it can this be abled, please can you tell me, how you did this work? Because the http and https traffic is decrypted and it will be easy to scan. i hope so 🙂 Greetings Neppu |
| you.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Why does eBlocker by default block the new search engine you.com,, created by the Dresden originated scientist Richard Socher? |
| Eblocker does not update to 2.10 from 2.9.1 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Evel Knievel | Bugs & Issues |
| After reading about an update for the original white Cube to 2.10, while runnung 2.9.1, I went on manual update. It finds 73 update files. After hitting the button update, it tells that it needs about 20 min, then the browser switches to preparing update and accessing eblocker, stays on 0 % and tells reboot eblocker and update page. After that you are back on start (Version 2.9.1, press manual update, search,.........) Process takes about 1 min and can be persitant repeated. Internet access is with a Fritzbox 7590 with Firmware 7.50. Never had this with any ... |
| eBlocker mobile and Fritz!box 7490 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Obviously something has being changed. I have a Fritz!Box 7490 that has been working seemlessly with an eBlocker running on Raspi3 via eBlocker mobile. Now, I have configured my eBlocker as a brand new one from the scratch. But now, it is to me impossible to configure eBlocker mobile. I use - as before - my dynamic DNS address namesomeoddletters.myfritz.net. UPnP is being activated on Fritz!box. So in next step, I let try eBlocker to self assign the appropriate ports 1194 to 1194. That is calling success. But then, when I push the button "test connection" ... |
| Can't access eBlocker after power interruption | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | ChrisMIT | Bugs & Issues |
| I interrupted the power of my eBlocker (white cube) at the beginning of January after I couldn`t reach the web interface via browser. I wanted to add a website to the exception list. Then I forgot to reconnect the cube for a few day. When I got the email with the information about the 2.10 update I remembered the eBlocker and reconnected it with the power again. Since then it seems to be that the eBlocker does not boot properly again. My Environment: - FritzBox Cable 6490 ( with DHCP enabled for IP4 (from .0.160 until 0.240)- FritzBox IP6 networ ... |
| Serious Problems Obviously After Update on 2.10.x | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today my eBlocker does not work and, more worsen, obviously did something so that I can not reach the internet even when I unplug the eBlocker from my Fritzbox. I assume, eBlocker performed tonight the update to version 2.10. As well I can not contact my eBlocker via ssh on its IPv4 address in my WLAN: Connection refused at port 22. I am really at the end of my cababilities. I do not really know, where to begin and which steps to go. If I klick on an URI I get the following message in the browser: Error Sorry, an error has occurred. Details: ER ... |
| howto place script for cronjobs // howto add a simple cronjob? | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Linux_User | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear support. Plan is simple. And here it is: sudo nano removed link #!/bin/bash sudo shutdown -h now sudo chmod +x removed link sudo crontab -e 7 06 * * 1-5 removed link 7 22 * * 1-5 removed link 7 23 * * 6-7 removed link And here comes why, i want to save money about energy comsumtion. the most of the Day im not at home. power on is realized by a time energy clock. i didnt know the english word. timerclock for power. it turns the router and eBlocker on and off. but ones the pi (my hardware for eBlocker) is started i must shutd ... |
| Webinar at edudip.com | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Does somebody know how to configure eBlocker in order to take part in a webinar broadcasted via edudip.com? I would like to keep all ad blockers and tracking blockers alive while joining the webinar. How would it work? |
| eBlocker function test: Web filtering (HTTPS) failure on iOS eBlockerOS 2.9.1 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | ruky | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I have been using eBlocker on iMac, iPad and iPhone for a long time (Rasperry PI) and I use the Safari and the Firefox browser. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of the Web filtering (HTTPS) error in the Dashboard function test. After a new implementation based on the eBlocker Box, a DNS firewall error is now added. Attachment : image.png The error occurs with all devices and with both browsers. As a router I have a Fritz.box 7590 also on current software status like all other devices. I have restarted all devices several times. C ... |
| Banana pi issues - no internet connection | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | RDD179 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I tried today to reactivate my eBlocker on my banana pi m2+ (no withe cube, selfbuild). I flashed the SD card with the image from eblocker.org 2.6.2 and connected the eblocker to the router. During the configuration I have to agree to the license agreement. The problem is that with the eblocker connected I have no internet connection, even the fritzbox is not available. If I disconnect the eblocker everything works find. But I cannot check the agree button because of the issue: " Unable to load the license agreement. An Internet connection is requir ... |
| Domain Blocker (Ads) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Rudowin1962 | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I'm using the eBlocker with a Rasperry Phi4 and it works pretty good. However, if I use the "Function Test" all is green with a check mark except this one. Th note says: "your devices uses a cached DNS response. Please start the test again." So far the message. What do I miss or what do I have to change in my settings? Attachment : Screen Shot 2022-06-05 at 10.34.28 AM.png |
| Manual update "White cube" does not work | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | steffentaube | Bugs & Issues |
| As I had to discover, since version 2.8.2 the manual update no longer works. When checking for updates, it tells me that new files are available. If I start the update process, it looks like it is started, but after a very short time it shows that it is finished, but no update was really made. I noticed this when I tried to update to version 2.9. 26 files are displayed for me to update, but nothing changed after the update attempt. I therefore need your help. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 11.png Vielen Dank. |
| YaCy and eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Does somebody here already made experiences with using a YaCy installation on a device behind an eBlocker? |
| eBlocker not Working on my MacBook Air, Safari 15.1 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Cehpunkt-k7dgt2 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| After a break of using eBlocker i Updated to the latest Version of eBlocker an setup my iPhone and MacBook. Both devices are activated, https is setup and the dashboard and check says that all works correctly. The eBlocker Icon appears too on the sites. On my iPhone, it works as expected, but on my Mac not any banner gets blocked. It is not site specific, that means on all sites I still see banners where I cannot see them on my iPhone. I restarted my Mac, removed the certificate and added it again, disabled the blocker and enabled it again, double checke ... |
| EBlocker IP-Anonymization feature leaks dns | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | GGGErnest | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello Eblocker Team, I have configured a vpn using NordVpn provider as you recommended and followed all the steps explained in this guide .After I'm connected to the VPN I ran some tests just to check how well protected I am, and it seems that eblocker has some issue that is leaking DNS which from my understanding should not be the case. Here is how I tested this: 1- I confirmed that NordVpn's server is not leaking DNS' because I connected to the same server using NordVpn's client app and run the same test and it didn't leak any DNS. The test I ran is the ... |
| No port forwarding with FritzBox 6591 FW OS7.29 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | frank.b | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi eBlocker Team I make my first setup with the RP4 2GB and eBlocker FW2.8. Most everything works great and the menus usability is perfect!! Right now only one issue:My eBlocker couldn't set via UPnP the port forwarding for remote/mobile access. I tried to set it manuell, but FritzBox shows eBlocker with the same IP of it self (both ?!) The eBlocker app shows for the eBlocker, what makes sense. If I select the eBlocker in the setup, the wrong IP is used in FritzBox port forwarding (picture) Attachment : IMG_2728.jpeg ... |
| eBlocker Automatic daily updates does not function | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Seppo.Isorinne | Bugs & Issues |
| Observing the eBlocker console, it looks like eBlocker is working because lines run temporarily on the console. There is no log file to tell in advance whether one or the other update has ever run. Manual Updates shows that 87 updates will be available. And that is shown again and again at short intervals. Pushing to update tells the app that it is being updated, but nothing happens at all on the eBlocker console. The app then reports that eBlocker will be restarted, but nothing happens at all on the console. eBlocker is not restarted. System eve ... |
| MyFritz DynDNS Service for eBlocker Mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| If somebody here want's to know if the AVM MyFritz DynDNS service operated at myfritz.net is appropriate in order to use it as a reliable dyndns service for eBlocker mobile: I have started trying it. I have entered my so called Fritz! address - something like someoddletters.myfritz.net - as name of the dyndns service in the eBlocker mobile configuration. And my first experience ist: It works. |
| Remotely Configuring a Device for Remote Access | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I have connected a Rasperry Pi via LAN with a Fritzbox 7490. As well with this Fritzbox is connected via LAN my eBlocker which is providing my eBlocker mobile VPN gateway. Now, I am on the way. But nevertheless, I want to access via ssh to the Rasperry Pi. How can I get it? |
| eBlocker mobile has stopped working properly | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| For a few days eBlocker mobile has stopped working properly. But I did not change anything in the configuration. Before my iPhone automatically switched between cellular connection and known wifi connections seemlessly. In the same way VPN to eBlocker mobile has being switched off when going to connect via wifi. But now, for a few day, it has stopped working properly. Now, if I enter a known wifi area, in the display of my iPhone the icon of cellular network with the VPN icon on its right side disappears and for short the wifi icon is being shown. But no in ... |
| Configuring Apple Homepod Failes | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I think, here is something wrong with DHCP. When I try to configure a brand new Homepod it returns failure code 301009. As far as I understand, this is a problem regarding the integration of the device into the WLAN. In my case, I have a well working installation of a Fritzbox 7490 with an eBlocker, where eBlocker is providing the IP adresses within the network. Does somebody here know the settings of eBlocker which are apropriate in order to get Homepod working? PS: Failure code as shown on Home App on iOS ist 301009. |
| Quick access to Dashboard on Mac | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Whenever i start Safari, especially after a reboot, it takes more time than i'm willing to wait before the eBlocker GUI is shown. To circumvent this issue, i use a Menu Bar Browser shown below. The moment i click on the eBlocker logo in the Menu Bar, the GUI is available. For this i use the app MenuBarX ( available in Apple's App Store. Rob Attachment : shot.png |
| Problems with the download speed in the network | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I often have the following problem:My broadband measurement results in download speeds in the home network that are far too low. (Only 3% to 5% of the booked tarif reaches me: 1000Mbit/s booked, broadband measurement on PC or apple TV results in 30 MBit/s). All this time I have been looking for a fault in my home network (router, switch, patch field etc....). By chance I just saw that the public DNS server which was recommended by eblocker.org was rated as unreliable. After deleting the unreliable DNS server, I am currently measuring appro ... |
| Own SSL Certificate | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | lil-ac | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I'm new in this forum. The point is that the SSL certificate is only valid for 4 months, can i add my own purchased certificate? Thanks. |
| eBlocker does only block trackers & Co. on the top level domain | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | kanaloa | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, eBlocker does only block trackers & co. on the top level domain. For example, if I navigate to www.macrumors.com eBlocker shows 4 blocked trackers. If I click on another link (here macOS Monterey) eBlocker does not show any blocked trackers. The same happen to www.spiegel.de. Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.28.png Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-10 um 12.09.44.png |
| eBlocker assigns many ip address for one device | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Chinmayo | Bugs & Issues |
| see screenshot. Reinstalled Raspery eblocker os, DNS Server is Fritz!Box Router, eBlocker runs in Automatic Network Mode. Issue appears not with some MacBook in my office. Some Router. Any Ideas? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-09 um 22.19.37.png |
| Configuring a Remote Gadget for Usigen eBlocker mobile | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I want to configure a remote Mac for using my eBlocker mobile. But this Mac can not be brought into my WLAN. What do I have to bring personally from my WLAN to this Mac in order to configure it for using my eBlocker mobile VPN? Sketch: My Mac (((WLAN))) (Fritzbox/eBlocker) < - Internet/eBlocker mobile - > remote Mac |
| How can I allow VGWort tracker? | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | hellb | Bugs & Issues |
| I would like to allow the tracker met.vgwort.de as this is how authors in Germany earn money every time an article is read. Any way to do this? It would be great if eBlocker would block VGWort only on request as this is really one of the rare "good" trackers. |
| Log4j Library used by eblocker. | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | kanaloa | Bugs & Issues |
| Does eblocker uses the Log4j library? And if yes, when do you plan to fix that issue? |
| Problems after Plugin Installation (Foscam) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I have the following problem and I can not classify who to contact with it: My eblocker is running fine so far. An eblocker certificate for https pages is installed.I can access all the websites I want to visit without any problems. I use a new Foscam camera and would like to access the cloud of Foscam. When I go to the site and log in, I get a message that to use the service a plugin must be installed (fscloud.pkg). But as soon as I install this plugin suddenly I am not able to visit any websites anymore, because I get a message that almost all ... |
| eBlocker (Cube) doesn't show any reaction | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | sasant | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi there, after a while I've tried to reactivate my former licensed eBlocker but it isn't showing up in my network.So the network-activity LED are showing orange: flashing with approx 2second pause, green: various activity. In Fritz 7590 network overview the eBlocker doesn't show up also. I've tried with several computers (Mac 10.14 and 10.15 and Win10) and browsers (Safari, Firefox, Opera). Cache has also been deleted. So are there any other ideas? Is there an opportunity to reinstall any other (newer) eBlocker OS to the cube? I'm going to have a yearly s ... |
| Different Behaviour at LAN or WLAN | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| I am connecting my MacBook Air with Fritzbox only via WLAN. On eBlockers website > devices my MacBook Air is shown as eBlocker activated. Everything works very well. Just now, for the first time, I have connected my MacBook Air via LAN cable with Fritzbox. It has got the same IP address. It is shown on eBlocker website > devices as eBlocker ativated. But, now there are on websites shown advertisements as not before on WLAN. What's wrong? |
| setup VPN with Ivacy | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Zwergkralle | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, Which configuration file do I need to download from my provider (Ivacy)? - Configuration files for router- VPN for Linux- ??? What specifically do I need to ask my VPN provider to get the correct configuration files? Thanks Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 20.43.20.pdf Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 20.43.29.pdf |
| Problems by visiting Thalia-Website with eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Simon | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello together, since a few weeks I have problems when I visiting the website . The website is normally displayed correctly, but for a short time now the website has only looked very limited when the eBlocker is active. The graphics are no longer displayed at all, leaving only the text on the page. I haven't changed any settings on the eBlocker, which explains the problem. What can I do here without having to add the website to the exception list? Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-13 um 12.47.42.png |
| eBlocker functionality | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | BonyCB | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Dear community, I've observed that the e-Blocker shows not at least the same tracker/add blocking behavior as in Safari 15.1 with disabled tracking option. Following screenshot as an example of the observed situation: 1. Safari information on website tracking indicated by Safari 15.1 and OSX Monterey 12.0.1: Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-04 um 08.10.38.png You can see in the left upper corner, that the e-blocker is active, however no information of blocked trackers as mentioned by Safari. 2. Safari settings for data security: Attachm ... |
| eBlocker VPN > eBlocker Annonymization | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I want to conntect remotely via eBlocker mobile with my router at home and then I want to use the IP annonymization configured on my eBlocker to connect via Tunnelblick VPN with my remote desktop in the office. When I within my WLAN I can easily connect via IP annonymization establish this VPN connection. But will it work, when I conntect first from outside onto my eBlocker? |
| Mail.app in macOS // Load remote content | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | facebita | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| On macOS 11.6 I have Mail.app configured to not load automatially remote content into emails. But, if eBlocker is activated, and I click in Mail.app on the button load remote content, images won't be displayed in the email body. What I have to do in order to get Mail.app working as with no eBlocker? |
| eBlocker works, but Settings page is blank after update to latest version (2.7.7 I guess) | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | mr.bien | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I just manually updated to the latest version of eBlockerOS. I guess it was 2.7.7 (where can I trace this if the settings-page is not available?). eBlocker works, the dashboards work, but accessing settings just shows a blank page. Also things like the https-Wizard cannot be accessed. So I guess everything what is accessed over settings cannot be opened. When I installed the update I was not able to access eblocker for around 90mins until I unplugged it from power. After reboot, eBlocker works in general, but settings page is gone. Everything else seem ... |
| https-Certificate in Firefox macOS | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Simon | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello together, I set up the eBlocker for a friend and now have the problem that I cannot save the https-certificate in Firefox. Apple's browser accepts the certificate without any problems. Could it be that some addons can cause problems here? In my opinion, it cannot be due to the antivirus program, because then it should not work under Safari. Any ideas?? -Thanks! |
| Support for Speedport 3 | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | frseuberth | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, i can't use my eblocker with my Telekom speedport 3. I installed the newest update. The DNS-Firewall isn't working, and so the blockers aren't working too. Does anyone has a solution? Thanks! |
| Polarity of white cube power adapter (+ and -) | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Robert | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, I have an original "white" eblocker cube , but I lost my power adapter. Before plugging in a new one, it might be good to know, where + is, on the inside, or on the outside of the plug... |
| VyprVPN Connection do not work | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Liberty-Bit | Bugs & Issues |
| VPN Connection Test Authentication error Unable to authenticate. This may have different causes, such as your VPN user name or password is incorrect your VPN account is expired or invalid the VPN profile is wrong or corrupted Errors Thu Jun 17 10:58:00 2021 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts Thu Jun 17 10:58:00 2021 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this Thu Jun 17 10:58:03 2021 AUTH: Received control message: AUT ... |
| No update for white box 2.6 | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | grmon | Bugs & Issues |
| Thanks to @random at the right spot now: When I go to eblocker.box/settings/#!/home/update and click [Check now] und "manual updates" I only get the message "No updates available" Any ideas anyone? Any help is appreciated. |
| Tunnelblick 3.8.4a - eBlocker-ovpn-file | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Created ovpn-file with eBlocker 2.5.8 and used it on my MacBook with OS X 10.11.6 and Tunnelblick 3.8.4a. I get the enclosed message from Tunnelblick, saying that "it can handle the ovpn-file for now but probably not with future versions of Tunnelblick; the eBlocker's ovpn-file should be updated". Attachment : 210308-0001.png |
| Connection error Office 365 IMAP account with eOS 2.5.8 MacOS 11.2.2 | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | ruky | Bugs & Issues |
| Hallo, I am not an expert or programmer, but I have been using eBlocker for a long time. I have the eBlocker 2.5.8 latest version in use. Since some time I have the problem that Outlook 365 does not work for my IMAP accounts (GMX, icloud) on my iMac (MacOS 11.2.2). Analyses have brought no solution so far. Outlook error code 3253 ("The connection to the server failed or was interrupted). Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-02 um 11.53.11.png HTTPS -> Secure Connection/APP for Outlook or Office 365 is enabled for many domains. See attachmen ... |
| Problems with eBlocker & HiDrive Client | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Anonymous | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello together, I use the HiDrive Client from Strato on the actual macOS System on a MacBook Pro (Mid 2014) and the Client can´t connect to the server. on my iPhone SE (2020) everything is ok, but only on the Mac it makes problems. Are there any ideas what the problem could be? Greetings, Simon |
| How to get rid of Google Ads | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Anonymous | Bugs & Issues |
| The behaviour of eBlocker tempts me to return to this forum. My environment: FRITZ!Box 7590IPv6 Support: IPv6 support enabled (Checked)IPv6 Connectivity: Use native IPv6 connection iMac with macOS Big Sur version 11.2iMac settings: DNS-servers: and fd00::2e91:abff:fe46:f1c2Safari version 14.0.3 eBlocker in Original White Cube with eBlockerOS 2.5.8DNS Firewall: Use eBlocker as DNS server with Default ForwardingBLOKKER: Pattern BLOKKERs as provided by eBlocker; NO other lists added HTTP support (Dashboard): Both HTTP support and Certificate ch ... |
| The eBlocker does not work | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | LeonPP | Bugs & Issues |
| The icon is not displayed in the browser.In device details it says: eBlocker is activated for this device. Check in "eblocker.org/de/privacy-check/" says location, provider, IP address, etc. are visible. Network mode: Expert (unfortunately I'm not). Noticeable: DHCP service is set to external in the network settings. Underneath with a warning: Configuration for the external DHCP service, the IP address of the eBlocker is displayed. Here I would want to enter the Fritz! Box address that provides this service. But not possible. Unfortunately, I hadn't worked ... |
| Status display problem/question | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Zilia | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, I have a question about HTTPS mode. See screenshots. How is this possible? Did not have it before the update. Thank you and many greetingsZilia Attachment : Screenshot 01.png Attachment : Screenshot 02.png Attachment : Screenshot 03.png Attachment : Screenshot 04.png Attachment : Screenshot 05.png |
| eBlocker mobile // comp-lzo | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| Tunnelblick is grumbling: Dieses VPN kann möglicherweise in zukünftigen Versionen von Tunnelblick nicht verbunden werden. Die OpenVPN-Konfigurationsdatei für "eBlockerMobile-vatoblocker-vtlnbook-macOS" enthält die folgenden OpenVPN-Optionen: • 'comp-lzo' wurde in OpenVPN 2.4 obsolet und wurde entfernt oder wird noch in einer späteren Version entfernt werden Sie sollten die Konfiguration aktualisieren, damit sie mit zukünftigen Versionen von OpenVPN genutzt werden kann. Tunnelblick wird OpenVPN 2.4.9 - OpenSSL v1.1.1i nutzen, um diese Konfiguration zu ve ... |
| eBlocker mobile // FRITZ!Box | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | facebita | Bugs & Issues |
| I think I've accurately followed the instruction given at relating to configure eBlocker mobile with eBlocker Dynamic DNS beta. But at the end, after I've pushed the button PORTS JETZT ZUWEISEN I got a message X FEHLER. What am I doing wrong? |
| Can‘t get cloaking to work | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Zilia | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi, I donate when my eBlocker works again!!! PROMISED!!! Have a cube since April 2018. since 5 days version 2.5.8. lifetime. eBlocker Family. Now it does not work anymore.It releases all data and info. 🙁 At Privacy Check: provider; IP address; desktop; browser and operating system. 🙁Status is eBlocker enabled, device monitored, DNS firewall ... 5 checkmarks are there. At Wbseitenfilter (HTTPS) is a "!". What now? Have already tried many things. Disconnected from the network, waited, ... Help me! 😉 Many greetings and thanks!Zilia Translated with www.DeepL ... |
| How to update an old eBlocker 2 white cube with eBlocker OS 2.0.13 to new OS 2.5.8 | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | ChrisMIT | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi,I'm new in the forum and I can't find detailed information how to update an "old" original eBlocker 2 white cube with eBlocker OS 2.0.13 and lifetime license to new OS 2.5.8 with FAMLFT-OPENSOURCE license. I tried to activate the new license with the above license code but there is no change. I then checked for manual updates in the update section but there were no updates available.I usually access the cube via Chrome on a Mac with Catalina 10.15.7.If I can manage to update the white cube I would be glad to support the project. THX |
| System Freez | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Ghost_dog | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello. After about 1 day I can not access the dashboard or admin page. I have to unplug the system first and restart it.That is certainly not the point.Is there a way to set a time for an automatic reboot ? |
| If I disconnect the eblocker ... | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Anonymous | Bugs & Issues |
| ... the eblocker from the network and computer (mac), can functions, certificates or other things still be stored on the computer or browser (Firerox) that have an influence on it? is that possible? Thanks - Zilia. |
| Show all traffic, not only blocked ones | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | taipan | Features & Priorities |
| Hi I would like to be able to see which connections eblocker allowed through and not only what was blocked. It would allow me to adapt manual filters. For example, there might be a URL which is not by default considered bad but i dont want to send anything to them. If I could see that some apps or websites connect to this site I could block it manually. It would be awesome if this could be done with a click. For example, eblocker shows me www.badsite.de, I could click on this or on a check box in front and it would automatically be added to the manual bl ... |
| eBlocker Dashboard consuming (much) CPU | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | Valentin | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello everybody, my new Safari told me something very interesting: After a while with opened dasboard, there was a banner which told me that this website is consuming much CPU. And indeed, the task monitor of my Mac grows up to 12% (nearly one core used) by just doing - nothing. So I opened an built in analysis tool (see hardcopies) Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-02 um 14.32.20.png Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-02 um 14.32.43.png For my opinion, there is indeed too much activity. |
| eBlocker along with FritzBox 7490 & Zyxel GS1900-8 | Relevance | 4 Jahren ago | BonyCB | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Firs of all a Happy and Good Year 2021 to all! I would need expand my LAN connections of my FritzBox and need to add a smart switch to my network. Where do I need to connect the eBlocker for proper operation? Actual configuration: eBlocker and other devices are connected to FritzBox directly. In addition I've have a Mash configuration using an AVM repeater. Network hardware I'm using right now: FritzBox 7490 with FritzRepeater 1750E, eBlocker on Raspberry 4B with 4GB Intending to consider following smart switch: Zyxel GS1900-8 Appreciate your feedback ... |