# | Post Title | Result Info | Date | User | Forum |
| Tutorial, allways get the latest bugfree VM Edition for all common VMs english and german! | Relevance | 2 Wochen ago | henryFatzke | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hi Guys, i made a Tutorial for all Users who wanna make theyre own latest Image, bugfree, without having trouble at the registering process! You can use the official .omv Image and convert this to youre preverred VM solution! Just read the attached PDF tutorial in youre preverred language and follow the steps! Have fun... Hallo Leute, ich hab hier eine Anleitung zusammengebastelt, für alle die ein Bugfreies Image erstellen wollen, immer in der aktuellen Version und ohne Probleme beim anmelden, bzw. registrieren für alle gänigen VM Lösungen! Ladet Eu ... |
| False Positive // Malware Patrol | Relevance | 3 Wochen ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi guys, got just a false positive while updating my GPG from h**ps://files.gpg4win.org/gpg4win-4.4.0.exe Attachment : image.png Wish you a healthy and successful 2025! cheers |
| Frameo picture frame trusted app config | Relevance | 5 Monaten ago | Andreas Viering | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, does anybody have a working trusted app definition for the frameo app? I tried manual recording and created a new trusted app config. It does not work. Disabling eBlocker solves the connection problem |
| eBlocker IPv6 and Fritzbox settings. | Relevance | 9 Monaten ago | Thomaspe | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| There are many informations and tutorials about eBlocker and Fritzbox settings. But I am missing detailed informations or a tutorial about the settings in eBlocker and Fritzbox for using IPv6. |
| Set up eBlocker OS VM | Relevance | 10 Monaten ago | Selein880 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, I need help setting up eBlocker OS VM. I downloaded and imported the version for Hyper v. Machine is running, but what happens next? Can someone help me? Attachment : image.png |
| eBlocker Admin password reset not working | Relevance | 12 Monaten ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello, in the actual eBlocker OS the admin password reset is not working as it should be. It displays the following pictures and after a power off and restart the login mask is still with password. Attachment : image.png Attachment : image.png Attachment : image.png Kind regards |
| HTTPS filtering shows red exclamation mark | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Wanninger | Bugs & Issues |
| Hello everyone, after a long break, I have recently put my eBlocker back into operation. With https/certificate support. This has also worked wonderfully on my three test devices. Until last Sunday. I performed a manual update in the afternoon and at some point later in the evening, I noticed that the behavior of the pages accessed had changed slightly compared to the previous days. The dashboard icon was suddenly no longer displayed on some websites, even though I had seen it the day before... Anyway... In the "Function test" dashboard, "Website filte ... |
| IPv4 lease specific IP | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | Jotbed | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, Is it possible to bind a specific IP with the DHCP Server? Like. I have an IP range from x.x.x.150-250. now there is a device which only gets IP through DHCP but it should be a specific IP Out of the normal DHCP range. Its a normal Feature within AVM Fritzbox. |
| Tls-crypt authentication not supported on certain vpn providers | Relevance | 1 Jahr ago | St-ryoh | Bugs & Issues |
| *edit* Actually it looks like it is supposed to be officially supported ........ I want to preface this by saying, I realize protonvpn is not an officially supported provider. That said, I can only reproduce this issue using protonvpn. Attachment : Screenshot_20240102_120249_Chrome.jpg Basically, protonvpn does not support tls-auth based authentication. They use tls-crypt with a static key. Which prevents it from authenticating in eblocker. Additionally, I don't see an option to use tls-crypt in eblocker. In fact, when loading the ovpn c ... |
| gmx mailcheck does not work | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Harryzwo | Bugs & Issues |
| I installed the GMX MAILCHECK extension in Brave browser. When the eblocker is running, the APP cannot register with the provider. |
| eBlockerOS with IPv6 alpha test | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Benne | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| This thread is exclusively to collect feedback regarding eBlockerOS with IPv6 (alpha). The current IPv6 alpha version is eBlockerOS 2.11 and it's addressing tech geeks only. There will be a public beta test taking place for everyone in autumn 2023. The image is provided as VM version only: download here (1.2 GB). A version for Raspberry Pi is intentionally not provided at the very moment. Important: The installation and the test are completely at your own risk. A migration to the final release version is not possible. This version should only be used by ... |
| how to define a local network | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | holli73 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| i'm using nxfilter.org as my dns server on a pi4 and setup a local domain (hostnames.myhouse.local) the local domain is controlled by a bind9 vm - so in nxfilter i have a simple rule that all queries matching *.myhouse.local are send to the bind9 vm and all other is going to the public ones - looks like this Attachment : Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-13 um 07.54.03.png i could not find any option like this in eblocker - is this possible? i would like to use ping hostname without specifying always ping hostname.myhouse.local - or must i put all already de ... |
| VM/eBlocker in comparison the Opera browser for example | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Mofa | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Hello, what makes the eBlocker to a better choice than Opera browser for example?Opera has included VPN/IP-anonymizing, the 'do-not'track'-option, anti-AD, protection of bad websites and so on ... DNS rerouting can be modified in common Routers (DNS over TLS) or even in the system control/network of Windows I'm really fascinated by eBlocker, especially because it was not so easy the get started with and I learned a lot by doing.But is it more secure than a well chosen browser?Perhaps that is a not so intelligent question, I don't know. Thanks for your ex ... |
| VM OVA OVF format question | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | minger | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Do you know how to get eblocker vm running under qemu? Let me know. If not, the below you happened to know how to do that. The ova image's ovf xmlns is xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/2"could someone easily generate a xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"version ovf? See more in |
| Force a "safe search" in the google, bing... searchers | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | Features & Priorities |
| It would very helpfull if the "safe search" could be forced on the devices controlled by eBlocker. If you have the eBlocker Parental control activated and the browser safe search deactivated and search for the word "ponography" in the searcher, the images inside the searcher are not controlled by eBlocker. the links to the expecific porn website yes, but no the images on the searcher. (try it) In Google and Bing, I don't know other searchers, the trick is that the Safe search is done in specific servers, with another IP, so eBlocker only need to change the ... |
| Force "safe search" for google, bing... | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | NAC | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| First of all, thanks for all the effort !!! I was looking in the documentation and in the forum but I didn't find nothing related with this topic. It's is posible to force a "safe search" in the google, bing searchers pages for the devices under eBlocker control? Thanks in advance !!!! Best regards Nacho |
| ProxMox: How to upload VM-Disc | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | TuXXer | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, actually I'm trying to install eblocker on ProxMox following the avaialble document. Now I'm stuck in step 2 (upload of vmdk to ProxMox). Can someone give me a little bit more information? Thank you for your help! |
| ClamAV | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Neppumuck | Features & Priorities |
| Hi, i use the VM edition and take a look arround in the system. I see, squid and icap is used. i´m sure, there was a plan to integrate ClamAV in the eBlocker. But the Hardware was to small to give a nice performance. So in the VM edition is enough power to realize such an feature, right? Before i try to invest a lot of hour to find out, how it can this be abled, please can you tell me, how you did this work? Because the http and https traffic is decrypted and it will be easy to scan. i hope so 🙂 Greetings Neppu |
| eBlockerOS VM-Edition QNAP is not worked. | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Train | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Trying to install VM-Edition QNAP, but the setup page cannot be reached when DHCP is enabled into Netgear router. And IPv6 is already disabled. Any tips to fix it ? |
| E-Mail issues after update to 2.10.2 | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | Detlef Kunz | Bugs & Issues |
| Since today all my computers connected to internal network with eblocker fail to get mails from my hosteurope imap Servers. Nothing has been changed in network only eBlocker reports update to 2.10.2 this night. Reboot of eBlocker and Router did not fix issue. When I connect to Guest WLAN (which is not protected by eBlocker) everything works fine. Any idea what I could check? Anybody else facing similar problems after update? |
| Youtube videos not working when "HTTP Referrer Header entfernen" / "Remove HTTP Referrer Header" is enabled | Relevance | 2 Jahren ago | CalimerO | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi @ll In the german discord channel, there comes the issue/info, that youtube videos won't play any longer, when the function "Remove HTTP Referrer Header"/ "HTTP Referrer Header entfernen" is enabled! I've checked that in my environment and I have the exact same issue. Network tools from the browser tells the following: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from ') from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested re ... |
| Novice Knowing How To Configure eBlocker | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Sandstorm9091 | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| Attachment : 2022-08-09.png Hello eBlocker volunteers, I’m really new here just a novice when it comes to this sort of technology. I owned several security/privacy products before and my last one was Winston device suppose to perform the same-thing for security than they close up shop and no more updates just a waste of time and money again, tired of being taken $$$. I’m tired of these companies making promises they can’t keep then they don’t stick to it so I thought I would try eBlocker for once. So here goes. I recently downloaded eblocker VM OS ... |
| Berliner Sparkasse Android App S-pushTAN | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Matten | Bugs & Issues |
| Hi, the S-pushTAN from Berliner Sparkasse do not work with https. I don't now the domains for this app. Could somebody help me? Thank you. |
| Home Office over Saas - Remote | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Matten | Bugs & Issues |
| I am in home-office. I use a remote to an Software as a Service provider. With eBlocker I can't get an connection. The remote ressource is not reachabel. I put the adress on the whitelist, it don't help. I use eblocker with VM. Thank you. |
| eBlockerOS for Virtual Machines released | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Benne | Official Announcements |
| In case you’ve missed our newsletter yesterday: We‘ve released the VM-Edition of eBlockerOS that runs in a virtual machine on Win, macOS & Linux. No Raspberry Pi needed. See the English or German instructions for more info 👍 |
| eBlockerOS VM-Edition feedback | Relevance | 3 Jahren ago | Benne | eBlocker Open Source Forum |
| This thread is meant to collect the community feedback as this is the very first time we are releasing an eBlockerOS version for virtual machines. In case you are not running eBlockerOS in a virtual machine, please do not post in this thread but open a new topic. Edit 08‘22: The VM-Edition works flawlessly. It runs on VirtualBox, Synology, Qnap, HyperV, ESXi, Proxmox and Unraid. All the VM images as well as instructions can be found here |