To access the eBlocker settings you can use or http://<eBlocker IP address>. In case eBlocker is not yet configured you might need to access it initially with it’s IP address. In this document we describe several ways to find eBlocker’s IP address.
Important: eBlocker needs to be connected to a free LAN port of your router and powered up first. Make sure not to connect eBlocker accidentally to the Guest LAN port of your router. This port can usually not be accessed from other LAN devices and Internet access might be restricted.
On iOS or macOS #
Please use the eBlocker App to initially access the Dashboard (and Settings). Then proceed to the next paragraph.
Via eBlocker Dashboard #
The easiest way to find the IP-address of your eBlocker is on the dashboard, which you can open in your browser either using the URL or Please make sure to use http not https.
Once you have access to the Dashboard you can find the IP address on the “Settings” card behind “eBlocker:”.
Via Router #
Most routers have the ability to show all connected devices in the LAN,once logged in as administrator. The eBlocker will be shown in the network device overview of the router. For instance, on a Fritzbox router select Homenet > Network to access the overview. eBlocker will show up as “eBlocker” in the overview together with it’s current IP address.
On Windows / Linux #
In a terminal (Command Line / CMD), you can find all IP addresses in your network using the command “arp -a”. The displayed addresses and information may look different depending on the operating system.
On Android #
On Android devices you can scan your network with apps like “ Network Tools” available in the Android app store.
Via connecting an HDMI screen #
Once you connect a monitor via HDMI it will show the following screen indicating your eBlocker’s IP address. In case there is no HDMI output eBlockerOS has not (yet) started.